The Moment
She poured the milk inside the bottle. She kept the strands of her hair on her left ear. He impatiently waited for her. They had to go for the party and it was already six thirty. They had to reach by seven else their boss would be angry. The sound of crying baby burst the room. He cringed. She was not even ready! How were they to leave by seven? Holding the wee fingers of the baby, she gingerly adjusted the bottle over its mouth. It sucked the nipple hungrily. She smiled. He was bewitched.
There was one more thing that caught his attentiom. A boy playing. He appeared to be around six year. But he appeared different. Abnormal? She picked the blocks from the floor and said, "No, son. You don't do it like this." The boy looked at her. His eyeballs appeared as if they would fall out of the socket any moment.
"Kaka, I'm going in a party. I'll be back by nine. Take care of Arnav and Arush." She said to an old man. Oh, tthere was an old man in the room too? He hadn't noticed him. She wnet inside.
"He is an autistic." He heard the old man. He looked at him blankly. He continued further, "They are not her sons. She found the little one lying on the road, and the other one on the temple. She brought them home. An angel, she's." He looked at the old man who flashed a toothy smile. He noticed his teeth were broken. The old man walked up towards the autistic boy.
He went near the cradle. He touched the baby. It was smiling through the corner of its eyes. He patted lightly over its stomach. His respect for her touched the epoch in his heart. He felt his heart twist. She, a girl who he didn't like waiting for a few minutes back, now ruled his heart. She stood in front of him. She wore a purple-colored polo neck dress. A touch of blushers on her cheeks, kohl filled in her eyes and a hint of smile rules her lips. He had never seen such ravinshing beauty ever. She was an angel, a fairy. He knew she was the one. He knew she had the smile he would like to live for.
They say it takes four minutes for a person to fall in love. It was the moment for him. He fell in love, like the baby in the cradle fell asleep, slowly first, then all at once.