Don't Fear of Losing the One that Loves You if You don't want to lose Them, for Love just is

in love •  6 years ago 

Love just is. Love and Fear are opposite Energies. Where there is Fear, Love cannot remain. Where there is Love, al Fear fades away. Love just is Fearless. In Unconditional Love there is no Fear of losing. Love just is. Only Love. Eye Love You an Eye Know You Love Me, for I AM and God won't Change it, if Eye don't. Love that You are. She is Love that You are, Love that is. No One to miss. Love just is. Fear of losing is an Illusion, that covers Love and pushes Her away. Love is unconditional and cannot be ever lost. When You no more Fear of losing Love, You just Love Now unconditionally, regardless the Time and Space. In no Fear, You can not lose Love

Unconditional Love is what Best Friends have. They Love each other for who they are, as they are in Freedom of the wind. If they don't speak for 1 Month or See each other, they don't really Fear of loosing each other, wondering if My Friend still Loves Me. When they meet and Commune they are Love, for unconditional Love amongst Friends just is and regardless if Yeas pass, when They meet they have a loving Time For best Friends are Love, beyond Time and Space, with no Fear and Free of attachments. Unconditional Love. Love just is. Best Friends Know they are Love and they never Fear of losing Eachother, so they are always Love for eachother and they Know it. Unconditional and Free, when They meet they have so much Fun in Friendly Love and when They are apart, they are Best Friends and Love just is. Such is unconditional Love. Your Best Friend Loves You for Who You are, never wants to control You, or change You in any Way and always Knows, that You are their Best Friends and Love between us just is. No Fear and Illusions that My Friend is gone. My Friend is to tell Me if they don't want Me anymore and until then, I AM sure, that Love just is. So Love remains for entire Life even. Friends have no Conditions and Attachments for each other, no Need for each other, just Love for each other given Freely as they mutually decide to commune. No bonds and contracts. Therefore their Love is unconditional and rarely Breaks apart. For Love just is and they Know it. They are Love.

Yet in Intimate Love between Man and a Woman in this World, We get attached and dependant on Eachother and we fall into an Illusion that Love is not. Love is not unconditional, but Loe in this World has so many Conditions. Out of our Attachment, our Need for Love outside of us Fear of losing kicks in and as our Partner may be few days silent, we go in Fear of losing their Love and start pushing them if they still Love us, bit in Panick. They are usually Love for us, just many Times they need Peace for themselves or are just dealing with something in their Life, but just like our Best Friends, they are our Love and nothing can take away our Love, they Love us, only our Attachments and Fear make us lose our Love. By empowering this Fear, we believe in its Possibility of losing Love, we can go insane out of attachments and Fear that We may lose our Love and act in a Ways, that We actually cause what We Fear. We are Creators. And what We are giving, We are Creating and receiving. If Eye know You are Love, Eye Know You Love Me and so it is untill, I AM not afraid, for Eye give You True Love and receive what Love You truly are giving Me. No Pressure. if Eye Fear of losing You, Eye may just Create a Scenario to lose You out of My Illusions. If eye was not afraid, love would remain intact. Other one feels pressured by all the neediness and clinginess and instead of showing us Love, We demand and We Fear of loosing, We push them away. And more we push them away, less Love we get from them and more we are going Crazy in fear, that We are really losing Love and such Illusion creates, that We lose Love on the End, We push their Love away and so We get only more Fear and we push even more as more We afraid. We kill Love in Fear for Love and Fear can not coexist. Out of our Need, Attachment and very Fear of loosing upon which We act crazily unbalanced, We end up losing our Love on the End. We created this and most likely everything was Love before our Illusions, just our Fear destroyed Love. If we would only Trust Love instead of our Fear. We cannot serve 2 Masters. If YOu serve Your Fear of losing in Love, You are to get this Fear only as YOu lose Your Love. You cannot control Love. Love can be only enjoyed, for Love is a Free Gift of the Heart. Love can be given only Freely. More You demand Love, less Love You get. Love is a Bird, Flying in the Freedom of the Wind, singing a Love Song, Bird can only Fly to You out of the Freedom of the Wind by Her Loving will and no other Way. No Fear controls Love. Fear destroys Love and Love flies away. Unconditional Love is Bird Freed in the Wind. Such Bird is Your Love. Love can Fly to YOu only as Bird Flies on Your Hand, out of the Wil of Her Heart out of Freedom of the wind. Birds in Cages are not Love, for Love is Freedom in the Wind only. You can have Cage or Love. Cage is made out of Your Fear and Attachments. Love just is Your Love in the Freedom of the Wind and I AM Sure. I AM Love. Love is in the Air.

Eye lost 2 Girlfriends, because of Fear of losing Them and out of My severe Attachments and Needs. Eye pushed at them so Hard, being clingy and needy, but they were busy and stressed themselves and neede Peace only. Eye pushed so Hard, cried for Love, so Eye destroyed Everything. My Fear of losing and Attachment created My Lost as Reality, Eye never wanted, yet Created. What Eye feared of Eye got. Lost. In Reality She Loved me so much, but was so Busy and pressured, that She needed Peace only, She was Busy as I Am last Years, but She would understand Me Today and never pushed at Me afraid of losing Me, like Eye did. She told Me, she is to tell Me, if She changes Her Heart and assured Me Her Love for Me, yet My Fear was stronger. So Eye got was Eye was afraid of. Eye lost Her. So Eye lost Her Myself out of Fear, She did not Leave Me, Eye lost Her out of Illusions and Attachments, that made Me act in Pressure, need and clinginess, so afraid of Her Love outside of Me, when She was Love for Me only and wanted Me to be Love for Her also as She is. Love. Eye missed Love that I AM Myself for Her and therefore She left. My Girls were Great Gurus in My Life Greatest Gurus. Eye Love Her still, My Mastress. Now Eye get it. I AM Love.

So, when Eye met My Beloved Heart, Eye was almost completely Love Myself already, within Myself Polarized and United. She also did not Answer for Days, but before She assured Me, that She Loves Me an Eye should Trust and be at Peace, for She has said it and so it is. Eye trusted Love and not My Mind, so Fear disappeared in no Time and Attachments. Love just is. So Yes, She did not Speak for 2 weeks with Me also, She did not Answer My Messages. yet Eye was teaching about attachments and expectation instead of crying after Her and going insane, creating reality, Eye never wanted. Guess Eye learned. Eye knew She Loves Me, Eye Knew I AM Love for Her that She is and no One can take My Love away. Love just is. So when She answered after many days there was no Drama and expectation form Me, no Fear, just Mad love for Her, that She is for Me. We were Love only, every communion always, sharing some Love and Wisdom deeply, nothing changed ever. For Eye did not change it with Fear and She also not. We are Love. She is Love for Me since the First Day We met till this day til Today. Eye Love Love and Love just is and Love Knows. I AM Love. Love just is and We never had one disagreement or drama on our mutual Path an Eye Pray it remains so, but I Am to do My best, that Love remains, for Love just is. For We are not afraid of loosing each other, we do not need each other, we are not empty without each other, We are Love for Eachother and Love just is.. We Know We are Love and God Knows in our Heart the Truth. I AM Love, that She is Myself. If Eye was afraid and would push at Her, afraid of losing Her, going all Crazy in Fear, needy and clingy, Eye would just push Her away and Eye would create what Eye never wanted. Eye would lose Love, Eye Feared to Lose. Yet I Am not Afraid for She is Love that I AM Love Myself, assured with no Fear, no Attachment, that She is Love that I AM from the Heart and there can be no other Way and even though We speak so rarely, when We do speak, Eye always get Her Love. Love, that just is and cannot Change in the Heart. She is Love that I AM. Love just is. She is My Best Friend also, My Teacher and Student, My Mother, My Daughter, My Lover, She is the Queen of the King that I AM and there can be no other way. Only Fear can ake Your Love away, for Fear and Love cannot coexist. Be the Love You want in Your Life for Her and Know that Love just is, so YOu may get Love. You don't want what You Fear of, so lose YOur Fear and Love Now. When You are Love Yourself for Her and act out of Knowing that no one can take Love that You are away in Time and Space, Free of all Fear, You are Love and Your Beloved shall never Leave You, but always Fly in Your Arms out of the Freedom of the Wind, for Love just is and can be no other Way. Never Fear. Fear is a Vibration without Love and therefore Love leaves. Where there is Fear there is no Love, so choose what You want and never be afraid. Just Love Now. Never be Attached, for Love is Freedom in the Wind and cannot be controlled in no way, so She is to Fly on Your Hand and sing You a Love Song, as Love wants and when Love wants as Her Heart desires, out of Love for You in Her Heart, that Love just is. Love Knows that Fear is not Real and Love is Now Here beyond Time and Space and No One can take Your Love away. Trust in Love and never Fear, so Love is all You get. Eye give You My Word.

  • Purna Ananda 2. 08. 2018 ©


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