♥ Running away from happiness ♥

in love •  7 years ago 

Starting from early childhood, every girl... then girl...then a woman admits it or not, waiting for the most important event in his life – meeting with her Prince charming. And sooner or later this meeting happens true to say the main words here need to be seen as "sooner or later". Someone this meeting happens very early, so early that it and to understand it is not always immediately time, what is her Prince came. Someone meets with his main man, as they are usually our mothers, "In time". And for some, this meeting prepoznata, and causes them to wait, working on ourselves, revealing and developing themselves, as if in preparation for this meeting. And then in the life of each of them is born with its own story, the story of which way they were going to their magical meeting:

The story of the first. That happens only in fairy tales...

Once, in 17 years, dreaming of the fairy Prince, Marina met Sasha. He was amazingly kind, wise beyond his years, incredibly beautiful. In his eyes, there was love and devotion. And despite the fact that he was 17, he wasn't like an insecure teenager, unaware of what he wants. A month later he confessed his love for her, and a year later they were married. None of their friends, and even relatives did not believe in the durability of their Union, and joked, and deep down, quietly waiting for a year or two, the children stop playing and each of them goes his way. But this didn't happen. A year and a half at the Marina, with Running from schemacache first child was born, and they all tried in their life together. Along the growth of the baby, while he studied at the University, together built a career, made mistakes and forgive them for each other. They have been together for more than ten years and did not regret it .

This is my story. Many other women who met her real Prince at the beginnings of their youth.

History of the second. When waiting for a Prince, replacing it with, than only you can...

Ian always was the best. The best in everything. A good student, graduated from medical school with honors, had a degree in rhythmic gymnastics. It is always pointed a finger mom, telling her the careless daughters about how they should live. And somehow she, like anyone else, like, as soon as possible, to meet their Prince, and to show the world how to build relationships, but, alas, as luck would have it for her he never came. She tried as hard as I could, changed the hair, went to shows, traveled around the globe, hoping to meet HIM, but, alas, the universe did not seem to hear her pleas. After a few years of active search, Yanochka quite desperate, and began to think about what family life is not for her. Then she decided to replace the void in your heart for something more useful to yourself and the world around her. She's built a gorgeous career of surgeon in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the capital, learned four languages, became a master in the field of Economics, as suddenly, after 15 years of searching... One night she dreamed of Daniel, a classmate from medical, with which they together completed a residency... in the Morning she texted him, he replied that they were texting a week, after which Daniel invited her to walk to the exhibition. To the incredible surprise of all her friends, who long ago waved the white handkerchief on Yanina personal life, after a month Daniel with Jana began to live together, and the two were married. And, contrary to the opinion about the fragility of the spontaneous marriage, they have three years together and raising a son.

This is the Story of my sister and many other women who, inevitably, met her Prince, despite the fact that they themselves have long lost faith in this meeting.

The third story. Or like waiting for a Prince, replacing it with leprince...

Alla always been characterized by high independence. From a young age she was the master of his life. All are unable to give her the family that she has received from life itself. At 16, she enthusiastically earned his pocket money, 18 were successfully combined University studies with two jobs, a 25 she was head of sales in the large Western company and had a decent score on the card. In addition, Alia was very beautiful, slim, long blond hair, with pretty face. Of course, this Princess could not remain without the Prince. And it was her. Well, actually, it's not really Prince, but it is, principally Glory. Alla started Dating him in 14 years, because everything in her life happened before the others. But the older she became, the higher grew its requirements to the chosen one. Alla is not very afraid that these requirements Fame is not always matched, she is the author of his life, and the fate of the family is also in her hands. When the discrepancy between them became visible to the naked eye, Alla began to drive the Glory of the infinite trainings of self-improvement for several years she did this, torturing your spouse on the difficult path to happiness. Thank changing, developing, improving all aspects of their life: career, sex, emotions, behavior, until one day... Alla met HIM, Yura, their present Prince, and so hard accumulating, armor perfection of Glory, fell like a veil from Unlocking eyes. Alla and George married in 2 years, and she's not really trying to change.

This is the story of my girlfriend and many other women who have changed their happiness almost happiness, and they themselves sometimes could not distinguish one from the other.

Pondering these, and other stories that I've seen, I understand that you believe in it or not, but one day, inevitably, there is a meeting it is YOUR men with you. No matter you are one or not, looking forward to this meeting, or have already lost faith in it, confess to yourself that you dream about it, or has closed their heart to love; in any case the meeting happens to HIM. And if that's in your life still happens... just... your time has not come yet...

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nice love story of Marina and Sasha