Self Love; Becoming A Better Version Of Yourself.

in love •  7 years ago 


Needless to start defining self love? This helps in loving oneself all over.

I think we should all love our own person. I think you should be comfortable in your own skin, shape and what makes you. I think you should accept that things can't change, like the colour of hair, skin, tone of your voice, height, body size and so many more. But I also think you should never get too comfortable that you are growing, advancing, developing and becoming better, that is self deceit not self love.

On the matter of weight for instance. You should love yourself to know when to curb your sugar intake.. Well I always complain about how big I am, how I want to have one of my friends' shape and at a point I started loosing my self confidence, it is that bad that when friends tells me how good I look, I don't actually believe them but I had to change at some point by looking at my mirror and seeing an hour glass shape(lol), but that really worked and I started getting comfortable with my shape.

On character and attitude, someone once told me how she get angry a lot and that when she is angry, she can't be persuaded, saying that is how "she is wired". Okay, please stop that joke. Yes, there are lot of people with anger issues and we try to put them on their lane. Nooooo, God help you, you have me as friend, that problem will disappear.. Our character will surely go a long way when we treat people right.

On relationship issue, people don't love themselves but want others to love them. No darling, it doesn't work that way. Wisdom says anyone who wants a friend should first show themselves friendly. Recently someone asked me " why must you be smiling every time?" Why must you be everybody's friend? Do you ever get angry? Of course as a normal person I should do all this but I have gotten to a point in my life that anger, strife, envy does lot of damage to your being, so why not let go of them?. Not like I am perfect, I still got my flaws. Love is not abstract, how many people have you shown love? You can't give what you don't have.

Generally on personality, I am a blend of sanguine and phlegmatic, the latter used to be my active temperament back in high school and it really bothers friends around me but along the line I met a sweet friend turned sister (Layo) who was a part to what made me who I am today and I love who I have become. The truth is, sometimes we feel comfortable in our temperament not knowing we have more on the inside to exhibit. Don't be the person everyone in the hood know as saucy, grumpy and annoying. let them see the sweet side of you. Learn to forgive easily.

Try looking at the mirror and ask, can I be friends with this image I am seeing and if you can answer yourself, then you know your worth. It's just simple I think, we should take everyday to learn and get better. Taking correction and criticism do not reduce us a bit, we just become a better person by it. Love is humble and meek and self love is not the same as self righteousness. Get up and work on becoming better.

I will be here cheering you all the way becoming a better version of you. I am personally rooting for the best I can be in transit.

Thanks for reading.


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