You Are Dating A Narcissist

in love •  8 years ago 
  1. His favorite topic during conversations is himself.

He just can’t stop yapping about himself. He always likes to lift his own bench in the presence of others. During conversations, he will always find a way to bring the discussion back to something that relates to him. He also isn’t a great listener. He isn’t interested in whatever it is other people have to say unless it’s about him.

  1. He is nice and charming but only if he knows he can get something out of it.

He always has a hidden agenda. He always has an ulterior motive. He can’t be acting nice just for the sake of being nice. He only acts in ways that can benefit him. He would never be genuinely nice because it’s his inherent nature to be. He always has to be able to get something out of it in return. He isn’t the type of person who gives without expectations.

  1. He talks the talk but he rarely walks the walk.

Narcissists talk a big game. They are always going on and on about how great they are and how they have superior personality and character traits. However, when it comes to actually delivering on what they’re saying, they rarely ever pull through. They’re better talkers than they are doers.

  1. He is impatient and stubborn.

He doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Well, in fairness, no one ever likes to be kept waiting. But a lot of people understand that patience is always necessary in life. However, a narcissist is the type of person who believes that his time is always more important than others. He thinks that other people have to adjust to cater to him.

  1. He doesn’t respect rules or boundaries in the relationship.

He isn’t the kind of guy who would care about how his actions would make you feel. He always acts on his own accord. He doesn’t give a damn about your feelings or your opinions on various matters. Even if you have your limits or your boundaries, he would willingly step over them if he pleased.

  1. He has a false sense of entitlement.

He has given himself a false sense of entitlement. He thinks that he is entitled to everything that he wants. He believes that he deserves all of the good things in life. He doesn’t feel like he has to work as hard as other people to get the things that he wants.

  1. He manipulates you.

He’s a user. He is always using other people to satisfy his personal desires. He doesn’t really see people as human beings. He sees other people as tools he can use to further his own personal agenda. That’s why dating a narcissist would be absolute hell. He would be manipulating you into doing things that you’re not comfortable doing just so he can be happy.

  1. It’s not enough for him that he succeeds, he wants to see others fail.

He always wants to be able to set himself apart. That’s why it’s not enough for him that he finds success. He also wants other people to fail in the process. He doesn’t want to be seen on equal footing with anyone else because he thinks he should be in a category on his own.

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