The State of Humanity is Absolute Insanity.....

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you see? The state of humanity, what we have done to our mother earth and to each other? This is insanity.

What is even more insane???? We can do something about this if people would open up to possibility for the sake of humanity. YOU are a powerful creator made in the image of God - you can insert a different word, it is all the same higher power that you have a direct connection with.

Here is the problem: first, no one wants to believe that they have been conditioned/programmed (google US Patient for nervous system manipulation as one example). No one said becoming informed was easy....yes, it will piss you off but who wouldn't want to know is what boggles my mind (fluoride anyone?).

Information suppression - when you see for yourself the peer reviewed, published papers, you wont believe this isn't being taught.

We are operating from an outdated view of science and the majority of people have no idea. Science says:

  • we are all connected to the same consciousness

  • we live in a field of energy that has many names, aether/ether, the unified field (of potentiality), the matrix, source, etc

  • our body emits energy and the strongest of all parts of the body that emits this energy is the heart this energy is communicating with the field that is filled with 99.99% plasma (also known as the fourth state of matter)

  • every second of every day you speak to the field - whether you are consciously doing this (manifesting) or unconsciously (believing you have no control, life happens TO you belief)

  • humans have the ability to manifest - we create with our heart brain connection that is of a result of our emotions and thoughts

  • so many peer reviewed, not taught in school science shows us that humans create their reality - see the holographic universe theory or the electric universe

......I could go on but lets just say this: the state of our planet and all of the people living on it is as a result of our collective consciousness. We are all consciousness - every single one of us. You have the power to contribute to a global shift and quite literally, turn this all around.

Did you know that 15 minutes after the first and second plane hit the twin towers that the magnetic field around the planet shifted??? And it has been seen time and time and time again - when we collectively feel things at the same time, these emotions can been seen on a global level - both positively and negatively.

You REALLY are more powerful than you know. Not to mention - look at the insanity going on!!! What do you have to lose??? You can choose to wake up now and remember who you are or you can wait till your physical time here is over. You either direct your movie or let others direct it for you.

P.S. The biggest secret of all - it is love that will win this. Cohesiveness on a quantum level is essential so our bodies do not get dis-ease. Cohesiveness on a macro level is necessary for our survival as well.

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