'Virtually in Love' - A True Internet Romance. Can you really love someone who you've never actually met? (ecoTrain)

in love •  8 years ago  (edited)

2017-03-30 16.29.00.png

'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality...'

I had an experience recently which caused me to question everything I thought I knew and understood about love - to see everything in a different light.

I don't usually write personal stories - I feel more comfortable in fantasy - but this story crosses the boundary in many ways, so I'll just get on and tell it. Make of it what you will...

She caught me by surprise the other day, completely knocked me sideways, when she told me she's

In love with me.

I didn't expect it. I didn't suspect it. I thought she was a sensible kind of woman - down to earth - realistic.

Not that I'd ever met her,

In real life.

We'd been chatting for a while on Messenger, for a few months, on and off. Occasionally she'd post something on facebook - something deeply personal, even painful - something beautiful and brave. I'd written to tell her how it had moved me - I was shy to post that sort of thing on a public thread, so I'd sent her a personal message to thank her for sharing it. Other times we'd found ourselves agreeing on some political post.. being the only two people there who could see the obvious truth of unity, love and compassion against the forces of fear, division and violence.

We were of the same mind.

I guess I did really admire her in a lot of ways. I hadn't really thought about it as being 'in love', since we'd never actually met, so that would obviously be absurd. In real life, she was probably nothing like I imagined her to be - though we definitely had a strong connection. She was smart, sensitive, beautiful, caring, independent. We could read each other's minds. If she wasn't ten thousand miles away, I probably would have thought of taking my chances with her - although she was probably way out of my league anyway.

Then she asked me,

'Do you want to have a relationship?'


What does that even mean? A relationship? Are you out of your mind? We've never even met and you tell me you're in love with me... and now you want a relationship? There are ten thousand miles and an ocean between us. How is that even possible?

I thought about it for a minute or two. My mind reeling. What did this mean?

Now, I think I'm a fairly open minded person. In my experience, and from what I've seen, relationships are all different - completely different. But I must admit that I've always felt skeptical and uneasy about looking for love on the internet. Somehow, it just didn't seem compatible. There's something kind of sad about it, I've always felt.

I had massive doubts. I know that facebook isn't reality, by any stretch of the imagination. Like an iceberg, most of it is out of sight, below the surface. It's a world of smoke and mirrors - concealing much more than it reveals. If she couldn't see that and really believed herself to be in love with me, she must surely be mad. All the more reason to stay well away. The last thing I need is crazy people on my trail. Say no thank you, and move on...

'OK. Yes.' I wrote. Looked at it for a second, and then pressed 'send'...

Well, what else was I going to say? It's not every day a beautiful, intellingent, sensitive, available (apart from the 10,000 miles distant), possibly crazy (but also possibly in a good way) declares her love for me. Every love has its obstacles and challenges. Look at Romeo and Juliet. A certain amount of adversity is to be expected in any relationship, one way or another. So, we are living on opposite sides of the world. So, we have never met in real life. Does that mean that we can't love each other? Does that mean we shouldn't? Is the love she feels for me real love? She says to her it feels real. Who am I to question that?

What is love anyway?

I've known people be married for years and years and never get to know the actual person they are with. I mean, really get to know them. Or even really know themselves either. They get so far from their true selves that they forget who they are. What kind of love is that?

So I said yes, and decided to allow her to love me, and allow myself to love her in return.

Whatever it means and wherever it may lead.

We agreed, as all lovers should, to be completely open and honest with each other - which is important in any relationship, but even more so in virtual reality, when it's so easy to give a false impression. We agreed to trust and honour each other and treat each other with utmost respect - which is also something lovers should do in real life.
But is it a real relationship?

Does it matter? I've seen enough strange relationships to know that nobody apart from the people involved can really decide or judge. Is it healthy? I don't know. Will it lead anywhere? Who ever knows?

At some point we will meet in real life. Maybe. I don't know where or when, or how it will be, or what will happen afterwards, or even beforehand. But love lives in the moment.

So we talk, and tell our stories - with openness and trust - trust in ourselves that we are deserving of love - trusting in love itself, that it is good. Opening up and learning to trust in each other. Honouring and respecting each other. Getting to know each other better and deeper every day - allowing ourselves to fall in love - to be in love - whatever it means - wherever it may or may not lead.

But is it real love?
It feels like it is, yes.

Will it lead to a healthy, satisfying, real life relationship?
I don't know. Stranger things have happened.

Maybe it's a fantasy.
Then again, I told you I was a fantasist, so who am I to tell?

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What do you think?
Is it possible to be in love with someone you've never met?
Do you have a similar story to this?
I'd be glad to hear how it worked out for you.

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Gideon, this is an exceptionally brave story to share, which bodes well for your end of the relationship. My recent journeys which have included meeting 'unmet yet" friends (including you, of course), have proven to me beyond a doubt that most of the people I met have matched up with the representations of themselves online. That's because I choose wisely online (as much as possible) as I do in person. The virtual community we create for ourselves is a real space and real stuff happens. As @blueperegrina says, love and other emotions happen in our mind. Our mind is what makes any reality "real". It is a scientific fact that the same nerve endings and synapses fire when we do mental practice of actual movements. An injured athlete usually spends hours on envisioning the technique of his or her event in his mind. SOmetimes the rest plus the mental exercise can bring better results than having not been injured and away at all. The point is, if intention and honesty are there, the emotions are real and in this day and age we all might as well get used to the fact that our virtual spaces aren't fake spaces. We do need to be very mindful about what we do in them, how we interact and how we treat each other, same as anywhere else. It will be interesting to find out how relationships such as these hold up under the impact of physical presence. In both worlds, we communicate a set of very different kinds of information about ourselves. SOmetimes the combo is perfect and sometimes it can be jarring. So, one day you might be able to test that. Good luck for now though. ANd as far as Im concerned, any moment enriched with love is a better moment to be alive :)

Wonderfully put! I´m so happy to be in contact with such nice and intelligent people.
Bit dangerous though too. I tend to lose myself in all these great articles and comments on steemit.
So today I really had to make an effort to tear myself away from the screen to go cycling.
And what did I do on the way? I took some pictures with my phone to do a post on #sundayscentexperience the moment I was back home.

Thank you Sarah, so true, every word.

Yes, i think it is possible. Because, this kind of love is anyway happening in our mind. No difference. Until it comes to the "bodycheck". haha Than it becomes more complicated.

I remember a dream you posted. And my guess, about what it could possibly mean. :-)

I'd forgotten about that dream. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, the possibilities for things getting complicated are endless. Strange things happen in between the real world and the virtual world. A lot is left to the imagination.

Yes, that's what it really is causing me to examine. .. when we love someone or 'in love' with them ... whether in virtual reality or in real life. .. how much of it is in our mind? Do we ever really see anyone else as they really are, or mostly as we imagine them to be, as we'd like them to be, or as a reflection / projection of some aspect of ourselves?

I send you a men talking about fish love, because i am not so much experienced. I got burned once, and that completely.

Thanks blue. It took me so long to reply to this comment as I'm still trying to decide if it's true, what he says. In a way, he points to a selfish motivation behind all our actions - maybe I misunderstood him - but I think that once you realise how everything and everyone is connected, different aspects of the same thing, then all boundaries dissolve.
I'm sorry that you got completely burned in love. It's a risk. I hope you will allow yourself to love again. Next time it may be different. We live and learn.

i don´t really see it as selfishness, more like ignorance. Which is quite a part of our life. Something gets fulfilled by the outside, and we fall in love with it. We project the fullfilment to an outer object. This is how attachment happens what we call normally Love.
But fullfilment came acctually through the absence of incompleteness in ourself. The absence of an desire. We project our desire to an object, and we project the fullfilment to an object. It´s only happening in our mind, and has nothing to do with the "other one". And always, over and over again, we look for the absence of desire, fullfilment. Because there we rest in our true nature. There we are whole and complete. But it has nothing to do with an outer experience, everything happens in us. Through projection attachment to the object happens. And of course we love being complete. Its our true nature.
I got burned by this love, yes, and it was damn painful. But I burned down until truth about projected love took place. And real Love takes its seat when we stop projecting fullfilment on objects, and only than will arise oneness. Before that, there are only arrangement, which gets likely confused with oneness. They can work out or not, it depents on how much you love yourself. Thats what I think, and I appreciate your thoughts about it.

That is so deep, blue, and also, I think, true.
I am happy for you that being burnt completely resulted in such a profound lesson and deep spiritual awareness.
I still have much to learn, that much I know
And if I should happen to get burned along the way (as I'm bound to be) so be it. Some lessons can only be learned by hard experience. Thanks again for your wisdom.
I hope you find complete fulfillment and love everywhere you go, in every moment.

I am glad, and you´ll find your own way. Good luck!
I am never sure if I get really understood, as english is not my first language. But, at least, i´ve tried.
Thank you for best wishes.

Nobody can ever be sure if they're really understood. Sometimes you get the feeling that someone really understands you. It's good when that happens.

That´s the beauty of the ecoTrain.
I come home from my Sunday cycle
just to find another beautiful story to read.
Looking forward to your story on hate.

Glad you liked it @likedeeler . I'll work on a beautiful story of hate for next Sunday!

I would upvote, but i am already down at 70%, again. Its a shame.

Gideon, first of all let me publicly tell you that i am totally in love with you, i love your writing and your guitar-making job just creams it off, not to speak about these amazing pictures you show here, you have a very attractive online profile and i do understand her proposition.
But are we speaking love here? For me, this is the antedote of love as it is kind of admiration for parts which are not me, finding the 2nd half to the full circle, not my formula for the succeeding relation...
Now if i think myself in your story and something more beautiful is happening, a true connection, a sharing, why not call it the most amazing friendship? There is the one million dollar question again, what is love?
I once came across a youtube video where some girl played a selfmade little accoustic reggae song. Man, i couldn't sleep and i couldn't believe i couldn't sleep, there was some real love magic there. As a family man with the most amazing wife and 2 children, what do you do? I embraced the beauty of this love and told her openly how i felt this love, told her also i was completely happy for the rest. Well now, we have a beautiful connection, a relation, there is mutual love but we don't have a love relation. Jeeh, this became very long, let me just stop with the start, loving you Gideon :-)

That's what it's all about. Some things just go beyond definition. They just are what they are. It's about being open minded and having an open heart too, to accept love in whatever form it comes. I love you too, bub

Wow! Seriously enjoying the effect, or maybe impact is the more precise word, of how one person sharing something real opens the rest of us up to do the same. This is what community like this is all about.

It's turning into a love-in on board the ecotrain. All aboard!


Beautiful Story @stillgideon .
Thanks of sharing
thanks for your openness and transparency .

Thanks kalima.

@still-gideon What an intriguing situation and thank you for sharing it. I would enjoy every moment and keep it real :-) There's another couple (there are perhaps hundreds) who have just fallen loudly in love on Steemit. He's in the States and she's in Bulgaria - I've no idea whether they've met in person. They are being positive and loud about it and it's a great vibe. That approach may not be for you, or not at the stage you're at in your journey (wherever it goes) but check out @jphenderson and @pachelino for examples of people who are spreading their love LOUD :)

Thanks @healingherb . I'm generally a very private person, but I also find it such an intriguing situation - and also one that I've seen happen to quite a few people over the years on facebook - that I thought I'd write about it.
I've always been interested in ways that new technology - particularly the internet - changes the way we live and interact and connect. I believe it can be a force for good, if we can work out how to use it properly, for its higher purpose.

I fully agree and believe that postitive groups on steemit are one way of using the technology for its true purpose. I'm liking forward to reading more of your writing.

Yep. Likewise

Wow! What a great story! This is really special. Thanks for sharing! I hope have a lovely relationship!

Thanks @eco-alex

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I am married to a lovely lady that I got to know over Messenger and email.....
But we had met first, briefly, then seperated. Dated as soon as we were united.....but hmmmmm did it present an accurate picture? No.
And no way I would do it without the context that we had...mutual friends, etc.

It has worked. Very well most of the time....

So I don't know. Be wise, but also, enjoy this blissful time as well.....

Thanks @em3 . I'm glad to hear it worked out for you. Modern life is indeed curious - the possibilities opened up by information technology are astounding. I try to be wise and not be drawn into believing in illusions. Whether I manage or not, it will be an interesting experience if/when we finally meet to already know each other so well.

Did you skype with her with the camera on?

No, true love is always a bit impractical. :-)

A bit. We are writers.
I intentionally left out details in the story.
Leave something to the imagination.

Ok, yah good keeping some things secret to savour in private. :-)