in love •  7 years ago 

There is no doubt love is a beautiful thing. Love is a great and beautiful accident that should happen to anyone.
Love is irresistible, Love is all encompassing, it has no limit and is blind to hurt. No wonder they say true love is blind.

What do you know about love?

Have you ever experienced love or even been loved?

The answers to this questions will definitely come in different ways because our experiences of love varies. Love is not measured by the number of hurts you encountered, but can be sustained by the numerous experiences gathered both in a failed and successful relationship.
Let's reiterate that, Love, despite being a beautiful thing that should happen to anyone, it has its own ugly side. I have come across so many, I found hurt instead of love, but love eventually conquered. As the saying goes 'love conquers everything'.
There are even instances where you could be terribly battered, defaced, or even dehumanized simply because you gave up everything for your love and an attempt to keep your man/woman. Stay focused, weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
From my findings, especially my encounter with friends, I discovered that, 90% of broken relationship can be traced to the man's fault. You can prove me wrong if you have an alternative views about the percentage.
This is my advice to all ladies on steemit and around, that any man that runs away from showering love on you is not meant for you because he was never capable of loving you dearly. I'm not in anyway exonerating the women from the blame game, I'm only saying the bulk stops on the man's table.

I personally thought I could love, until I stumbled upon this picture of a half lady with her proud husband and kids. And i asked myself if I could ever behave like this man. Hey people! What love could be more than the aforementioned?


Well, there is no particular formula for loving, create your own and make it work like this gentle man in the picture. I have decided to love and be loved, I'm making it work for me.

Fellow steemians, if you share my school of thought, please, let us hear your views.

The first picture is my own and taken by me.

Please upvote, comment, resteem and follow me @sunny4glow

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Hmmmm. This is a reminder of the fact that love is key...even the holy bible describes God as love...this post is inspiring and teaches us the real meaning of love...thanks and i have started following you..@sunny4glow

Wao! @emeralds, thanks alot. May we find love in all our endeavors.

Hmmmm. This is a reminder of the fact that love is key...even the holy bible describes God as love...this post is inspiring and teaches us the real meaning of love...thanks and i have started following you..@sunny4glow

Love is beautiful no doubt

Very true @vintageverve. Thanks alot

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You are very suitable ...

Thanks bro