Love Me Hard

in love •  7 years ago 

At the very core of our beings, lies an innate desire to be loved, to be understood. See, we know we are sometimes terrible people, we forget important days, we can be overly emotional, we say the wrong things at the wrong times, the right things at the wrong times, we buy the wrong gifts, miss the most obvious signs, and sometime in our lives we have hurt you knowingly or unknowingly, repeatedly. We know these things.

And we're certain that you know them too.

But still, we just want to be loved, to be held, to be cuddled, to be told that every single time we got it right did not go unnoticed. That our struggle is being taken note of. That the fight we fight everyday to be better, to do better, to be better human beings, for ourselves first and then for you, is not unacknowledged.

We have stayed up at night, thinking up ways to right our wrongs, to put back together the things our unsteady fingers have broken. Believe it or not, we have done these things. We sometimes still do them.

It is unfair that you choose to fixate on the wrongs we've done, can you not see how hard it is for us? To continually look into your eyes and watch the fire that formerly burned so brightly, die into a barely noticeable glow?

It is terrible, it is like dying a million deaths over.

We just want you to love us. Kiss our scars and help us heal, to assure us that it’s not just us against the world, help put our broken pieces back together, because has it ever occurred to you that we just might be hurting? And that perhaps it is why we hurt you in the first place?

Love us hard, it is how we originally intended to love you. We just did not get it right on first try.

(image from

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the pain, I saw the heartache, I saw the things that I both did and didn’t like and I made a decision to love myself. It is only when we accept who we are, the good and the bad, that we can then begin to change ourselves out of love. Love is the most powerful force that can change and transform any situation in which we find ourselves. Love is a choice, we choose to be in a state of love, in as much the same was as we can choose to live in a state of anger and stress. You are a great writer @sussan nice one dear


With just this write up, then any man who can love us this way will def understand us.. I don't know why they keep saying women are just too complicated.

Despite the hurts we receive we still strive to give the best love we can.
It then makes us look like fools, we hope for a better understanding.
You've done noble by posting this..

A life with out love is as meaningless as the night skies with out the moon and stars. Man is a creation of love and so seeks to be loved. But it's so unfortunate that sometimes in seeking, we make ourselves so vulnerable and so gullible. In as much as we crave for love, let us try to protect us a little by being more sensitive to our love leadings. A great post.

Okay... Interesting read.
Guys better take this seriously .

Well... I still think y'all can love yourselves well enough not to let anyone man or woman be responsible for giving you some sugar.

My thoughts though

Nice piece
I just followed you
Pls follow me back

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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hmmm. Love life, nice one!!!

Am not alone in this

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This is emotional. Its rare loving hard these days as many seek out for perfect fellow.
Despite the mistakes, the setback, the everything that hurts all I got to say is that time heals everything.
Fantastic piece 👏👏👏

thanks dear

Hi @susan
Your demand(s) may sound so simple but believe me its really complicated, complicated to know what applies at every point in time because we are only human.

It's Sussan.
I dont see any demands there. You're probably working on the premise that women are always demanding.
And humans in general are complicated.

Beautifully written.
I think its time for me to fall in love :p

Words that are well spoken deserve an applaud

Humans are really difficult to understanf this days but we deserve to be loved hard...nice writeup...keep steeming

There really is nothing nothing nothing deeper than love.