Dating in this generation?Is it dead?Are we doomed ?

in love •  7 years ago 

My friends and I have found ourselves having this conversation quite a bit.
Before I share my opinions that was gathered off of experience and observation , I wish to let you know that I'm very optimistic and open minded (feel free to comment negative and /or positive feedback as well as your own opinions)

Dating in this generation definitely has its ups and downs but why do you think that is ?

I like to think now this generation of ours has lost site of self respect and having morals and that goes for women and men.

SOCIAL MEDIA QUEENS---Among-st different races I have observed women being more into social media and magazine articles on how the "perfect man ', is supposed to be which is quite interesting that a lot of women cannot put their phone down long enough to even hear a guys last name or his favorite color. Also, I noticed some women try to create this perfect man off of articles, celebrities and in some cases financial stability instead of understanding who the man really is and accepting him for just that and deciding rather he still has her interest or not.

The Gold DIGGER/Player -We also have the gold diggers(some of who may have daddy issues)-they look for a man to almost be a father and buy them everything when they don't have anything much to offer but sexual encounters (maybe they do have more to offer as I believe all women do-but I am stating that some women aren't willing to offer as much).We have all seen those type of women or know someone of the sort.

You have some women that will even accept anything a man does just to say she has someone and/or thinking she can change him (which we all know a man is not changing unless he wants too and only if he is able to identify his wrongs in his actions). I feel as some women are not realizing and utilizing the strength that is installed in every woman.

Now lets touch on the men

Men seem to have no morals at all and tend to disrespect women a lot now days- i believe its from upbringing /pain/music and media in general(possible even being products of their environments ).

PLAYER- you know the one who how do you say it again??? Oh, "Wants his cake and eats it to". The man who loves having multiple women and/or leading women on. He feels that his status and relevance arises due to having many woman. You know the type who sometimes actually has feelings for one girl but doesn't want or know how to commit and who does ignorant things in public and for the public and in front of his friends and peers!

MAMAS BOY---- Honey, be aware there is a lot of these types out here now. The mamas boy is the one whom always runs to his mother and depends on her to save him from all of his screw ups in life and to side with him in relationships. Also, mamas boys usually act as if there girlfriends are their mothers and tend to not know how to be a man or do man things. These are the one who won't assist with anything ,cry a lot , never accept their wrongs and whom will take the garbage out 1 time and throw it in your face as if he deserves a grammy.

OVER-CONTROLLING/CLINGY - This is the guy whom is so insecure he tries to break his woman down mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically. This man will try to decide what she wears and how she wears it, whom she hangs with, sets time frames for her and in some cases doesn't want her to work and gives her an allowance to take care of the kids and home.

Noe theres way more types on both ends out there . I still urge everyone to still have faith out in here in this crazy thing we humanity.....we are the change !

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