in love •  6 years ago 
  1. IT’S A STRESS RELIEF : Similar to other pleasurable activities and chocolate, sex makes our bodies produce happy hormones. It is a scientifically proved fact that couples who have a lot of stress practice this act of intimacy less often. So, let your troubles aside and plan a romantic evening followed by this mood lifting activity. Why not? It will help you forget all those problems, you’ll fall asleep like a baby and you’ll have enough energy to face the next day feeling happy and rejuvenated.
  2. IT’S AN EMOTIONAL PROCESS: Yes, it is a physical activity but most men and women agree that there’s much more to it than just seeing stars and losing calories as a bonus. You see, there’s a good reason why “having sex” is often replaced with “being intimate with somebody”. Sex starts with romance and ends with romance because both genders feel the need to cuddle after it.

Furthermore, healthy sex life is a confidence boost for both genders – it proves that partners are still very much interested in all aspects of their relationship. Did you know, for example, that couples who have sex often, demonstrate more feelings? They feel the need to touch, kiss and hug more often and have fewer problems with demonstrating this lovey-dovey behavior in public. You know why? Because sex makes the body produce more oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel the need to love and trust somebody.

  1. IT KEEPS OUR LADY HORMONES BALANCED: A night of passion can do much more than put a smile on a lady’s face. You see, being sexually active actually means producing more estrogen. And we all know what happens when your body stops producing this female hormone in optimal amount! Practicing your lovemaking skills at least once a week delays menopause symptoms, regulates menstrual cycle and increases fertility. Now, isn’t that one great reason to throw yourself on that sexy man of yours?
  2. IT REDUCES THE RISK OF CANCER:Everything can cause cancer these days! Active smoking, passive smoking, deodorants, paints and even some clothes! Luckily, there’s one thing you can do to help prevent all sorts of cancer, including the woman killer, breast cancer - engage in some ol’ fashioned horizontal gymnastics!
  3. IT HELPS YOU TO LIVE LONGER:Sex rejuvenates, heals wounds, makes you more flexible and less prone to various illnesses. It’s a metabolism and immunity booster, reduces the risk of stroke and fights the aging process too! Add that positive, happy, sexy feeling your weekly supply of “Big O’s” will give you and you’ve just got yourself a perfect anti-aging method no lab could ever produce, bottle or sell!mom-273347709.jpgindian-277102542.jpgshower-165052537.jpg
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