I hated him, but then I fell in love with him

in love •  7 years ago  (edited)

In my introduction post on Steemit I told you I would write you how I met my boyfriend and I told you it wouldn't be boring and I promise you it isn't.

Everything started in January.... ummm... which year... 2013? Oh my God! It's been 5 years since we have met! Wow! I've just realized that, haha! Yes, we have met in January 2013 when I returned to my school from winter holidays and the first school subject that morning was IT (Information technology). At that time I was a first-year student at a high school.

I was planning to correct a bad grade that I've gotten before the holidays began, but that morning our IT teacher introduced us some weird geeky guy who looked like he was 15 or even younger. I didn't like him at the very beginning. I don't know why, I just hated him. The reason I gave to my friends is that "now I can't correct my grade, because that little geeky weirdo became our new teacher". That was very stupid, because why I wouldn't correct any grade just because we have a new teacher. Well, I was pretty shy and didn't feel confident enough to speak in front of a total stranger.

The other reason I hated him even more was because I was getting pretty bad grades that year from the IT subject and at the end I barely managed to get a good grade at the end of semester.

The next year I was hoping for another teacher.. Yes, it was that bad... I'm not exaggerating, I was really depressed. I told my mom how much I hated him, but she didn't take it too seriously, because there was no reason to hate him. He really didn't do anything inappropriate. He was just a teacher... who I hated.
At the end, he continued to be my teacher in the second year of the high school.

That year I stopped hating him. I had neutral feelings for him, like for any other teacher. But always, always had that weird feeling whenever I would see him. I don't know how to describe it. I still can't. That feeling was totally strange to me and... I ignored it.
I started going to some kind of an extra class about photography and video editing and he was a mentor. And then I realized how cool he is! He was still that shy geeky weirdo, but I didn't mind it. In contrary, I started liking him.


The third and fourth year of the high school (which is the last in Croatia), we were more like... friends? I don't know. I still called him "teacher", but I was pretty relaxed around him and we could talk about other things, not just about school and photography.


I won't tell you how our relationship as a couple started, but I can tell you it was really tough and that feeling... oh, it was really exciting, but we didn't know how our close relatives would react. We were scared and there were moments I wanted to... not to break up, but just take a break and think about everything. Is this all good and smart to do? Is this ethical? Can I even think about ethnicity if we love each other, if we really love each other? Do we want to use this relationship just to make ourselves happy? Or do we want to make each other happy?

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We really talked a lot about our situation and we realized that we can't live without each other. I needed him and he needed me. I saw how happy he was with me and he saw the same. Yes. We were serious about our decision to tell everybody that we are in a happy, healthy relationship.


And you know what? It might be weird and it's still weird, everybody accepted us as a couple. As far as I know, ha ha! Probably there are people who don't, but I don't care. I don't care what others think about me and my relationship. It only matters that we have and love each other.


On the 18th day of September, 2017 he proposed to me and I said yes!


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What a journey, but I think you made the right choice. Gotta do what makes eachother happy and ignore others. Also being reserved and communicating is key. Thanks for sharing, quite the story!

thank you! :D