in loveandunity •  6 years ago 



Love and unity are very important components of any enduring and lasting relationships. Due to human depravity, imperfection and misunderstanding of peoples intention, we tend to offend one another. It is practically difficult for anyone not to err but relating with people in love will make you overlook their faults.

Love and unity are intertwined! Love is the bedrock and cornerstone of every thriving relationship; hence, it underlines unity. For instance, you cannot forgive someone without loving him/her. Likewise, you cannot be united with people without loving them.

To maintain a cordial relationship with God, you must learn to forgive and forget all offences from the depth of your heart. Ensure you settle every disagreement and dispute, show love to your offenders so that the bond of unity can be kept.

God wants believers to daily demonstrate agape love to people around them, whether they are Christians or unbelievers. Jesus Christ gave the parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of sacrifice needed to be made for others. Agape love, as modeled by Christ, is not based on feeling; rather, it is a willful act and a joyful resolve to put the welfare of others into consideration.

One of the vital characteristics of agape love is selflessness; it does not remember self. You will count yourself as nobody if you must dwell in that kind of love. Your academic rank and social status will not be relevant when it comes to operating in that dimension of love.

The bible is replete with many instances where Jesus practically showed love to people who were sinners, outcast and relegated. He dined and wined with people that the religious leaders of His time could not even talk to let alone eating and drinking with them.

It is very obvious that God’s demonstration of agape love led to the sacrifice of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Friends, you are called to love everyone irrespective of their skin colour, ethnicity, status and background; even if they hurt you.

The eventual result of love is unity, peace and progress. Apostle Paul emphasized unity in diversity in the church by saying that although Christians are numerous all over the world but we are one body in Christ. Thus, you are required to live in harmony with other believers.

May God grant us the grace to love, forgive brethren who offends us , and be united as one together. Thanks and happy new week.

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