Hello happy readers today we're gonna talk about the love craft middle school series to summarize the series is about a kid named Robert Arthur

and he's in seventh grade going into seventh grade going to in brand-new school no friends no nothing he's kind of a little bit nervous a little bit
nervous make some friends that he didn't think that he would make made some enemies that he never knew he had the whole idea around the series is
that there was once upon a time you know 10 plus years ago I guess I've I think like mid 50s 60s something like that there was this mad scientist and
he had a house full of scientists and then the house blows up and now is in an alternate dimension and for whatever reason the city decided to
use whatever leftover pieces to build Lovecraft middle school so in a professor gargoyle which is the first book in the series as you can see ooh
scary but basically they have this science teacher who is part creature so there's this maniac and through one of Arthur's Roberts new friends first
name last name or first names anyways they find out through this guy and through Karina who is a ghost is kind of character but they're you know the
stuff about the mad scientist kind of stuff and that there was some weird stuff going on at the school and so and anything mysterious can always be
explained by creatures that are embodying human beings anyways this is a great start to the series it's a lot of fun I really like the series it's
middle grade series but it's a lot of fun even as a 25 year old reading this I thought it was really fun and adventurous I don't know if I've said
of interest yeah and it's a really good eye opener or at least like an introduction to sci-fi here in middle school or if you know somebody in
middle school or if you're a library looking for middle school books this could be it and then we have the second book which is the spoiler
sisters and this is yes again the second book in the series in the first book you have the ending where the two girls disappear and in this one they come back.