Your Own Love Letter in Six Simple Steps

You want to express your feelings to your lover, but after spending too much time staring at a blank screen, you give up. Alternately, you attempt a few lines just to delete them all and begin again. Again. Why is it so difficult to express to a loved one how much they mean to us? Do you have trouble putting your feelings into words? Or is it just that you are at a loss for words? Tell your loved one how much they mean to you without letting words stand in the way.

Everyone desires love. There never seems to be enough time to stop and truly appreciate the primary relationship that makes life worthwhile when you are busy living it. We frequently assume that those closest to us are aware of our feelings toward them and how significant they are to us. Sad to say, this is frequently not the case.

So how can you craft a love letter that you will be proud to deliver and that your significant other will treasure forever? How do you begin? You'll be on your way in no time if you follow the simple advice provided here.

  1. Start by listing your top five favorite qualities about your partner, being as descriptive as you can. Be specific about how they are kind rather than just stating that they are. Maybe they always have a grin for the wait staff in restaurants, or maybe they are exceptional at making others feel welcome, especially at events.
  1. List 5 actions they have taken, with examples this time, that demonstrate your affection for them. They might have given you a hug last night when you were upset with your family. Or perhaps they prepared a special supper to cheer you up since they knew how sad you were to not get the promotion.
  1. Select the top three illustrations from each of the aforementioned groups and use them into your message. I adore the way you do things, and then you could give the three instances from the first point. You may then say something like, "I loved the way you," before citing the other instances. Be sure to emphasize how you felt as a result of their acts, how much you loved them, and how appreciative you are to have them in your life.
  1. It is preferable to draft something first, then go back and see if you can make any changes. It can be helpful to write out what you want to say, tweak it until it flows well, and then wait a day or two before returning to give it one last polish.
  1. Purchase special paper and draft your letter on it. Your loved one will value the time and effort you put into the letter even if your handwriting isn't perfect because it is clearly yours. Pay to have it handwritten by a professional if you believe your writing is so poor that it will be difficult to understand or if your unreadable handwriting is something you've argued about in the past. Using a more romantic font on your computer, such as Garamond in italic, is possible but should only be done as a last resort. Your loved one will value your letter more if you can make it more personal.
  1. Consider the delivery method for this letter to them. Would you put it in their briefcase for them? Send it by mail? Affix it to the pillow? Will you be present when they open it? It is advisable to hand it to them if you want to see how they respond. You might pair the letter with a modest gift, such as some flowers or chocolate, but be careful that the gift doesn't overshadow the letter because you want it to be the primary attraction.

You should also make mention of any significant occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other holidays.

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