Let’s start today’s blog post in a different way. Not the normal intro. We all know that Life consists of thousands of things and that is why today’s topic will be covered in 2000 words! Excited ? (Well, I am ! ) Life is the most beautiful thing ever gifted to us. We often make some mistakes , set some goals and meet new people in our life! Well , this topic is very big and cannot be covered in just one post! Let’s see some beautiful things about our daily and busy lives!
Importance Of Life
We all know , we have all got only one life and we all need to make best out of it . Right? Everyone has a goal set and have some visions in life. Whatever the path may be , we always think that reaching our final destination will be the day when we will be happy from the inside. Many people think that this is the basis of happiness but I advice , NOT TO THINK THIS. Why ? Because you might miss some of the most beautiful moments of life in the journey 🙂 Always remember , your happiness should be going on the path and just not on reaching the destination. We must realize that , we have got only 1 life and we have to do something about it. Some people want to do many things at the same time and some people want to just focus on one thing. YOU have the right to choose what to do in life and no one else needs to make decisions for you . Life has ups and downs , you make mistakes , you set goals , you fight within yourself and so much.
Ups And Downs In Life
There are many ups and downs in our life. Sometimes we get good grades , and at the same time , the person whom you love leaves you. We get a promotion , but as the same time we get to know that one of our family members have passed away. Remember this sentence , ” Do not ever give up in your bad times and Do not gain enough ego on your success. ” You are not the only one to have ups and downs. Everyone in their life , are either upset or too happy at some moments. It is you who decide that which moment is important and which is not. There is a saying which perfectly makes you feel happy and sad at the same time depending on the situation you are living in. It is ” This time will also fly away.” Remember this at your downs and your ups. Turning to God and praying in your bad times is not the only solution. I know it gives a boost of hope and energy but it is wrong. Why? Many of us pray to god to take us out of the bad times , but ask yourself that , ” Do you thank god for the good times too?” 90% of the people would deny this. Start appreciating what you have in your life at this particular moment and thank God today 🙂
What does optimism actually mean? And why is it important for our lives? Optimism means a mental attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of your task would be positive. In short and other words , you can refer optimism as positivity. In practical life , your positive attitude and way of seeing things reflects your personality and confidence. The outcome of your task depends on the level of optimism and your hard work. If you are positive enough , then you can even go to the moon ; but if you are not at all positive , then you cannot even go outside of your house ! See the difference ?
Now you know , what is optimism . But the other question , why to be positive? It is simple. You being negative is a sign that you are not at all interested in the work and don’t really care what outcome does come. On the other hand , you being positive , means you are interested in the work and are ready to whatever work it requires. What will you choose? 1. Bad thoughts and a little success or 2. Positive thoughts and failure. What would you choose? I know everyone here loves success and wants to choose it only. But let us see this from a different perspective. What if you have a little success and bad thoughts ? You will not be able to grow your success much. And what if you have positive thoughts and failure? In this case , you will be able to grow and do the required hard work to achieve greater success.
See , it is all about perspective. A thing might be crazy-to-do but for some , it counts in the list of wild fantasies! Some just sit back at the time of failure thinking that what if we fail the other time too. While some just even practice to get better after achieving a lot of success. Changing your perspective towards life may increase your happiness level too 🙂 You start learning about the new experiences and feel happy. Learn to “Learn” . What does this mean ? Suppose , you have failed an exam (I hope this doesn’t happens) , and you sit back and cry yourself to sleep. Believe me , crying does make you feel better but it not the solution to the problem. Start realizing your mistakes and if possible , correct them. Remember , the way you see life completely is on you and effects your happiness 🙂
Goals are a part of everyone’s life.They are some tasks to achieve internal happiness and success. They play a crucial role deciding your life’s status. Goals can be as small as loosing weight in 10 days and as big as becoming a doctor or an engineer in 10 years ! Everyone has a goal. But every goal has 1 thing in common and that is the term “success” . We often imagine working in a quality job or owning a business which would make us live a happy and healthier life from our current lives. A person’s life should be filled with goals . It is completely okay if you don’t have a goal , you would eventually think and make one 🙂
Now we all know what are goals. We all set some goals and have still got some unfinished goals which would require a lot of hard work and patience. But have you ever felt so that you have failed to achieve your goal? Don’t worry guys. We all have experienced this and failed at some point of our lives. AND THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL ! It is okay if you failed that test , not got admission in your dream college , not lost weight , not win that race , loose in that debate and what not. You should understand that failure is not bad , but not standing up again and trying is! You should not just give up on every thing. There is so much of time ! Go be perfect in that sport , get thin , study that chapter the best , clear that entrance ! Learn to stand up and practice again ! Is The fear of you failing again stopping you ? Then go and check out the optimism section once again 🙂 Best of luck .
Passengers In This Journey
We have understood about our inner world till now. But what about the beautiful outer world ? In everyday life , we get to meet new people . Some are exciting , some are boring ; some are creative , some are lazy ; some are passionate , some are not even bothered etc. We can refer them as the passengers in your car in this beautiful journey of your life ! Humans like to meet different humans and want to spend time with them . Just imagine your life without your friends ! Harsh right ? There are different types of passengers in your life . Let’s see:
Your Family– These are the most important people in your life ! Without them you would be left back alone and sad 🙁 These are the people who have your back when you are in trouble. Your cousins are the people with whom you spend some of the most amazing moments in your life . Your sister/brother is like the shining star in your universe 🙂 You can do anything to protect them , right ? Your mother and father are the people whom you love the most 🙂 In short , these are the people without whom , you may have a chance of 0.001% for making this journey beautiful!
Your Friends Already imagined their names and faces ? Well , these are the people who are responsible to make this journey entertaining and help you not being too serious 🙂 You and Your friends have a special bond which is inseparable ! Like who would not like a stupid like you friend to disturb you all the time , make you feel worthy , call you with their self-made nicknames ( this is the most common and exciting things friends do ! ) , call you at 12 to wish your birthday , splash cakes on your face , take/give life advises ( which mostly are waste lol) , tease you in front of your crush and do such crazy things! These are the people who are very important to you and you can even take bullets in for these stupid and crazy people!
Your Teachers- Not all , but everyone has that one special teacher who would help them clear all their doubts and make you help in all concepts ! They may be your class teacher , tuition teacher , your friend ( best last moment teachers tho ) etc. These people help you establish your education and hope for your betterment in the future ! They do not scold , give homework , they accept excuses knowing that they are “excuses” , they do not demotivate , do not judge on the basis of low grades , know your favourite subjects and they do not give taunts like other teachers ! Well , these type of teachers are not much but , whoever has got them knows how special they are. I also have a teacher and he is my tution teacher ! Well , in short , these people help you in gaining education which is hell lot important for you in the future.
And if I continue mentioning all the passengers , then this would not end ! So , embrace and appreciate these passengers and do not take them as granted. Make them feel special and make them smile today 🙂
Darkness And Light
Today’s blog is very special to me as this is my lengthiest blog ever! 2000 words! Woah. So , let’s not just ruin this and continue towards another topic. Seems confusing right? But these two elements refer to the two worlds inside you i.e the world of darkness and the world of light . Darkness does not completely refer to the world of negativity and light does not mean total positivity. Many would say that encouraging the world of light is the right way but i think that this is not the case. Life is made of both the dark world and the light world . I know that it is bad to be bad but in our daily lives , we get to see that becoming 100% good does not benefit us but the person we are dealing as they seem to take unlimited advantage of your “goodness” whereas the people who sometimes think bad with the good in mind , tend to gain more success. I am not saying be a totally bad person and kill people. I am just telling that sometimes we have to choose whether to be bad or good according to the situation ! If someone has broken your heart , you should be positive but you should also not allow other people to do the same fatal thing again! It is true that the world which you feed wins and you should feed the good one more. Being good is a very good trait , but being smart is the best you can be 🙂
Mistakes We All Make
This is the last section of my blog post. This tells you what is the big mistake we all make in our life that let us down.
The first is not accepting that we have made it ! Yes. A lot of people commit mistakes but pretend like everything is fine ! This is not the right way guys. If you have the courage to make a mistake , at least have the courage and courtesy to admit it too.
The second is to take our mistakes too seriously ! It is okay if you lied to your parents for going to that party. It is okay if you bunked a class. It is okay if you left the job . IT IS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES. People often tend to make these mistakes so important and thereby they start criticizing themselves on these mistakes.
So , take these mistakes lightly ( but playing with a person’s heart is not acceptable. ) and live your life to the fullest as these small moments count up and play in your mind when you all are old. Hearing real-life-stories is loved from our grandparents is loved by all of us, now what if you are old and you have no stories to tell ?
Hey guys , this is my 5th blog on the topic “The Journey Of Life” . Thank you all for loving my previous blog posts and scroll down if you haven’t read them ! Click on the ads to know more of the fun facts! This is Ishaan Bhojwani and I will see you later with my new blog post 🙂 Have a nice day !
Thank You