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in lovestory •  8 months ago 

In college and post college I had dated a few guys, but I never had that "I want to spend my life with this person" feeling. Guys were either super hot with not much personality (or too much personality), OR they were super great and fun, but the chemistry was nonexistent. However, I remember getting that nervous feeling the night I moved into the Cooks house. All I could think about and wonder is how things would go living and getting to know Kevin. It was obvious I was attracted to him big time, but I didn't really know him.

So yeah, from the minute I moved in to Kev's house, my crush on K-dawg stepped up it's game. I got butterflies everytime I was around him (which was a lot). At first, we would casually talk when I was making dinner or he was watching a Laker game.
Then, we started texting.
Then we started making plans to go on hikes, see movies, exercise together, etc.
I remember ALL my friends asking me what the HECK was going on, and when I said "oh we're just friends" they were like "uhhhh huhhhh, YEAH RIGHT!"

But the thing was, I had NO idea if Kevin liked me or not.
Usually I was pretty good at reading the signals from guys, but
Turns out, Kev was falling hard for me. He was just scared that if he said something to me and I didn't reciprocate, that it would make it awkward living under the same roof.
I remember consciously trying to flirt with him so he'd get the hint (HEELLOOOO!!!),
and going on other dates with guys so that Kev would get the point that I wanted HIM to ask me out on a date!

we even took a salsa dancing class together
and his family was like "WHAT THE HECK, who is this guy...he doesn't do this type of things with girls...Katie he's smitten" to which I still wasn't sure
because the fact is friends...I lived there 5 months, and he never made a move!
as in, he never outright said anything.
{something he'll never live down, hahah!}

That year, my family spent the summer in France.
Kevin started emailing me regularly and saying things like "I miss you" or "I wish you were here with me"
I remember living for his emails that summer (and chocolate croissants)
and realizing that these emails were secretly saying that HE LIKED ME!!!
{and in response, far too many Parisians saw me jumping up at down at the McDonalds in Paris where I got free wifi!}

when I got home from France, I was nervous and excited.
sure enough, my second day back Kev asked me to go to the park with him.
He made my favorite meal and we had a picnic. I could tell he was sooo nervous, but he mustered up his courage and asked me out.

and I said no.

well, that's where Part 3 beings...

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