If you've never been lucid, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming is quite a bummer. For some reason, lucid dreaming seems to elude many of us even when we know what we are doing. If you have ever wondered how to have lucid dreams, the truth is that you can do it. In fact, learning how to have lucid dreams is something all humans dream about.
For some reason, this attracts us like moths to a flame. The fear of losing lucidity makes us want to go back and try to remember those dreams. The fear of not being able to return to our dream world keeps us from trying. But the more you think about it, the less you want to go back. You can learn how to have lucid dreams easily if you apply some important guidelines.
One of the first steps to be able to lucid dream is self-awareness. The way to your dreams is to realize what is happening in them. Many people are afraid of going back to their waking life because they are unaware of the things they are doing or the places they are visiting. Self-awareness is the basis for lucid dreams; therefore, becoming aware of yourself at all times is the best thing you can do.
The second step to have lucid dreams is using your visualization skills. Visualization is the base for lucid dreams. You can create a lucid dream by using imagery or dream symbols. The most common dream symbols used by beginners are: animals, flowers, cars, trucks, planes, mirrors, clocks, and insects.
When you're able to create images and symbols in your mind, then your task is to control these images. To do so, you need to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. You can learn lucid dream control by directing your thoughts toward positive outcomes and ignoring negative ones. You can also make use of your inner self for help.
The final step to having lucid dreams is the last step - REM sleep. Remember that keeping to the plan is the most important aspect of lucid dreaming. Many people who start to meditate and learn about their inner self and subconscious find it easier to fall asleep. However, this does not mean you should ignore the plan; it is just that you should develop a sleep regimen that works best for you.