Her Lucky Lunatic always kept a radiator to worship. It might have been a fairly strange activity, to everybody you know, but not to the Lunatic, who expected that the idea was amazing. You wouldnt have thought, a radiator was the item that was chosen.
Her Lucky Lunatic craved for a cheese grater that they liked to smash. This is certainly a fairly peculiar exercise, to my neighbour, but not to the Lunatic, who had decided that the idea was stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a cheese grater was the thing that was opted for.
Her Lucky Lunatic always carried a pencil sharpener that they liked to worship. It was a fairly new thought, to me and my children, but not to the Lunatic, who feels that this idea was wonderful. Who would have imagined, a pencil sharpener would be the item that was selected.
Her Lucky Lunatic craved for a rubber johnny that they would break. It should be a somewhat surprising suggestion, to my grandma, but not to the Lunatic, who thinks that the idea was awe-inspring. Bizarrely, a rubber johnny would be the item chosen.
Her Lucky Lunatic found a toilet brush to sit and look at. This seems a peculiar operation, to me, but not to the Lunatic, who had come to the conclusion it would be wonderous. Who would have thought, a toilet brush was the thing that was opted for.
Her Lucky Lunatic had a toilet brush to cuddle. This is certainly a fairly peculiar activity, to some, but not to the Lunatic, who thinks that this idea was fun. Honestly, a toilet brush being the item selected.