in lunesnumeral •  7 years ago 


Happiness, Health, Love and Numeral Success, Friends on Steeemit.

Last week I published a paper about "MEANING OF THE NUMBERS" (, with various general data about Numerology. Currently, as a complement to the sequel, I have based on the aforementioned Numerology to establish the mystical relationship between numbers and the phenomenology of people, in this case referred to love and relationships of couples.

In this sense, the Numerology can guide people in the wonderful and complex theme of Love, establishing meanings that indicate the type of relationship established between couples, based on the name of both, their dates of birth and the start date of the relationship or marriage; clarifying that on matters of the heart it is difficult to hit 100%, because that depends more on the thoughts, actions and maturity of each one.

Meaning of Numbers of Love, According to Numerology

.- Number 1: the love relationship tends to be cheerful, fluid, cheerful, pleasant, harmonious and fun; In general, romance takes place with satisfying moments, where both seek their own well-being and that of their partner, although some episodes of selfishness and individualism can be found. The sincerity in the feelings is the usual, because each one considers that he or she has his o her twin soul at his or her side.

.- Number 2: love is based on security, coexisting the need for love and protection; Unfortunately, in the desire to protect, the romantic part of the couple's relationship is usually set aside, and the affection may come into conflict due to alleged coldness in love. Couples based on this type of relationship require the habit and prolonged time of union to strengthen their emotions, although they like to stand firm at all times.

.- Number 3: establishes a type of complementary and almost contradictory relationship, where initially both are carefree and do not make much effort to maintain a serious and respectful relationship; but, in the long term, they strive together to consolidate a home of respect and harmony, with characteristics of "earthly paradise".

.- Number 4: the relationship is based on an honest, firm, sincere, loyal and realistic society; requiring the commitment of both to consolidate a stable love. The downside is that they allow themselves to be absorbed by work and spend a few moments together of romanticism and conversations; Therefore, in the long term it tends to affect mutual love.

.- Number 5: are loves that tend to quickly seek to form a romantic family, with marriage and child; the home they conform with respect and in defense of their values, with mutual trust; united are usually successful in everything they undertake.

.- Number 6: passion, maturity, affection and fidelity are the words that signify the relationship of a couple; where sex enjoys it as fiery lovers who know how to take pleasure; but, it is required that both be fully compatible, to achieve full happiness.

.- Number 7: it is a pragmatic and critical love, which demands perfection; They are usually couples who share pure feelings, with spiritual compatibility rather than physical. However, they tend to argue a lot and the separation option is always latent.

.- Number 8: it is considered a cold and calculating relationship for love; but as a couple they are very efficient in planning and executing family projects, acting decisively and firmly; the profession, the material and the business are their priorities; but they should try to avoid exaggerated ambitions so as not to be separated.

.- Number 9: establish idealist relationships that believe in destiny; they are generous, noble and dreamers, who base their principles on true love; ideally it is required that both be half orange, almost identical for the realization of their dreams of love and family.

Inverted Pyramid: Example of Calculating the Number of Love

Then, based on Numerology, you can calculate the number of Love for the dates and names of the partner. For example, be friends named Mary and Jose, with dates of birth January 20, 1980 and March 27, 1980, respectively; who started their relationship on July 27, 2006:

Pairs of digits13 01 18 2510 15 19 0501 20 19 8103 9 19 8107 27 20 06
Sum of pairs of digits4 1 9 81 6 10 51 2 10 0912 10 97 9 2 6
Sum of pairs of digits5 177 153 1 91 2 1 916 8
Sum of pairs of digits5 87 63 103 107 8
Sum of pairs of digits13133 13 115
Sum of pairs of digits44446

Results: She is 4 and 4 (sum 8), He is 4 and 4 (sum 8), their love relationship is 6. The sum of all their numbers is: 8 + 8 + 6 = 22; 2 + 2 = 4. Meaning:

.- He and She are honest, firm, sincere, loyal and realistic persons; but they tend to be a little cold in matters of love; Nevertheless, they can consolidate a stable love with marriage because they are very efficient in planning and executing family projects.

.- The relationship between both, is based on honest sex, pleasure and passion, with maturity, affection and fidelity although little interested in spending much time together; in donue they know how to give themselves pleasure; but, they can hardly reach happiness as couples.

.- Conclusion: they are compatible as partner and they are excellent friends. It is recommended that they formalize a romance.

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