泰坦尼克第一只被打捞起来的包竟然是LV,百年侵蚀竟完好无损! The first bag to be salvaged was Louis vuitton, and the century-old erosion was intact!

in luxury •  7 years ago  (edited)

自从1992年Louis Vuitton进入中国大陆至今,中国人买Louis Vuitton、钟情老花也超过20个年头了。就算是现在,大多数中国人进出专柜还是习惯性的先看老花区,彷佛那几颗印花上面印着‘中国人’三个字。其实,有一个元素的经典度跟它旗鼓相当,它就是棋盘格。可能很多人不知道,其实它的出现比Monogram老花还早了整整8个年头。
Since Louis Vuitton entered the Chinese mainland in 1992, the Chinese have bought Louis Vuitton and have been in love for more than 20 years.Even now, most Chinese people come in and out of the closet and are accustomed to look at the old flower area, as if they were printed with the word "Chinese".In fact, there is one element that has a classic degree that is equal to it, which is the checkerboard.Probably a lot of people don't know that it's been eight years since the Monogram.

Louis Vuitton经典棕色棋盘格印花
Louis Vuitton classic brown checkerboard stamp

The 'checkerboard' is the Chinese name for it, because its shape is similar to the checkerboard pattern. Its name is Damier, which means plain square pattern (plain name).

Speaking of which, I'd like to start by making fun of the latest blow to me. It wasn't Christmas, and a girl friend of mine sent her Christmas presents to show off in an ostentatious manner



My mood is


Of course, I admit it is beautiful, after all, Tokyo limited series of things are not!
Always the case!
To buy!
But, there's nothing (jealous). After all, it's not the little box that I grow grass, but👇


2018春夏全新款Petite Malle,精致的压花小牛皮包面,衬里和镶饰也都是小牛皮材质。一眼令我着迷的是时髦的链式短肩带,这样就不用为了凹造型辛苦的拿在手上了。
The new Petite Malle in spring and summer of 2018, delicate embossed calf skin, lining and trim are also made of small leather.
I am fascinated by the fashionable chain short shoulder straps, so that you don't have to work hard to get your hands on them.

衬里采用的是Louis Vuitton特有的菱行格印花,它也是有专属名词的,叫Malletage。改版后的Petite Malle在容积上做了完美的升级,18.5cm的长度足够hold住你的各种Plus手机。
The linings are made of Louis Vuitton's unique diamond printing, which is also called Malletage.
The revised Petite Malle has made a perfect upgrade in volume, 18.5cm long enough to hold your various Plus phones.

The linings are made of Louis Vuitton's unique diamond printing, which is also called Malletage.
The revised Petite Malle has made a perfect upgrade in volume, 18.5cm long enough to hold your various Plus phones.

So much so, I don't know if you have noticed one of the biggest details, this little box is the checkerboard layout!
It's exactly the derivative of the checkerboard Damier, which we'll talk about later.
There is also a new Twist on black and white checkerboard, which is just as elegant

TWIST 中号手袋
TWIST handbag

关于Damier棋盘格的故事那就要追溯到long long ago了(可能是年纪大了,最近总爱long long ago)。同样是个非常励志的故事:(总爱讲励志的故事我猜也和年纪有关)
The story of Damier's checkerboard goes back to long long ago. (maybe it's old, and it's long long ago.)
It's also a very inspiring story: I guess I'm old enough to tell stories that are inspirational.

In 1835, the Swedish Louis wool head boy 14 years old. Vuitton because of the loss of her mother, stepmother have a spite, and run away from home on foot to Paris (250 km), became the trunk craftsman apprentice, with 20% talent and 80% effort factor, step by step, he became chief assistant and the excellent workmanship became the most trusted of napoleon iii, empress Eugenie luggage experts.
The perfect replica of the European version of the old dog.


Empress Eugenie

Anyone who has a relationship with the rich and wealthy can quickly achieve their social status.
1854, 33, Louis vuitton set up its own brand with the same (here don't have to recall or for own 33 years old, will struggle on his first LV checkerboard is only to live to be the best repay to 30).

1854年Louis Vuitton公司创立,首家专卖店于巴黎开幕
Louis Vuitton opened its first store in Paris in 1854

推出的第一款全新平盖白杨木行李箱因为颜值太gao,所以吸引了很多顾客,此后Louis Vuitton便火得一发不可收拾。
The first brand new flat poplar wooden suitcase was designed to attract a lot of customers because of its appearance level, and Louis Vuitton has been on fire since then.

Louis Vuitton史上第一款全新平盖白杨木行李箱
Louis Vuitton is the first brand new flat poplar suitcase

The trees are in the wind. Shanzhai is here.
But the quick-witted Louis vuitton is not afraid. "you can copy the material, but not the aesthetic," so he wants to create his own graphic style.

1876年,他开始以红色和灰色 Rayée 条纹帆布作为箱面识别👇
In 1876, he began to identify the boxes with red and grey Rayee stripes


这下颜值又高了一个档次了,山寨们又蠢蠢欲动了,怎么办?哈哈哈,申请专利啊!不要忘记腐国人民早在1624年就颁布了世界上第一部具有现代意义的专利法《垄断法案》。Louis Vuitton的红色和米色垂直条纹帆布于1872年获得专利;米色和深米色条纹帆布于1876年获得专利。
This appearance level is again high level again, the shanzhai people again is a fool to move, how to do?
Hahaha, apply for a patent!
Don't forget that the people of the state of China promulgated the world's first modern patent law, the monopoly act, in 1624.
Louis Vuitton's red and beige vertical stripes were patented in 1872;
The beige and dark beige stripes were patented in 1876.

到后来,Louis Vuitton的儿子George Vuitton上线,他觉得横条纹太boring,而且被仿起来也没什么技术含量,所以在1888年的时候,颜色又变成了更复杂的啡白格子,并相间地印上L.Vuitton标志字样,并把横条纹升级成了横竖方格的纹路👇
Later, Louis Vuitton, the son of George Vuitton online, he feel too boring to horizontal stripes,, there is no technical content and copy it, so in 1888, the color becomes more complex, brown and white squares again and alternate with printed L.V uitton marks, and the horizontal stripes upgrade become somehow the grid lines


这就是后来大名鼎鼎的Damier棋盘格,它在 1888年获得了专利。最开始它主要有Damier Ebene(棕色棋盘格)和Damier Azur(白色棋盘格)。可以说,它的出现史其实是一部与“山寨货”的抗争史!
This was the famous Damier checkerboard, which was patented in 1888.
At first it was mainly Damier Ebene (brown checkerboard) and Damier Azur (white checkerboard).
It can be said that the history of its emergence is a history of protest against "shanzhai"!


它最早以最经典的棕米色样子出现,这么说来Louis Vuitton史上第一只有花纹的箱子便是棋盘格。等1896年老花出现的时候,它已经大卖了8年了。
It first appeared as the most classic brown beige, so the first patterned box in Louis Vuitton's history was the checkerboard.
By the time the old flower appeared in 1896, it had been selling for eight years.

About the checkerboard box, there is a very legendary story: in 1912, the luxury cruise ship "Titanic" after hitting an iceberg, billed as the worst disaster in the 20th century, and Louis vuitton suitcase is one of the survivors of the Titanic.


The movie "Titanic", in particular, restores the details of passengers carrying the LV suitcase.

100 years later, people into a deep sleep from the bottom of the dead area at the bottom of the sea N years of LV hard luggage, after one hundred years of seawater erosion, the box has deformation of stress, its shape, inside the box was not seeping into half a drop of water!
The contents were also largely undamaged.
The first to be salvaged is the brown checkerboard.
Louis vuitton is known to have been known to have been immersed in the depths of the ocean, as the tragic story of the Titanic spread throughout the world.


1921年,Louis Vuitton打出了“Show me your luggage and I will tell you who you are。(旅行箱是您身份的象征)”这句经典的广告语。广告大片中湖面漂浮着的是古老的Damier旅行箱。
In 1921, Louis Vuitton made "Show me your luggage and I will tell you who you are.
(a suitcase is a symbol of your identity) "this classic slogan.
An old Damier suitcase floats across the lake.

在之后的近100年时间里,世人都彷佛默认了棋盘格就Louis Vuitton设计,于是在1998年和2008年分别为经典的棕米色和黑灰色棋盘格花纹注册了商标。
In the nearly 100 years since, the world has assumed that the checkerboard was designed by Louis Vuitton, which registered trademarks in 1998 and 2008, respectively, for the classic brown beige and black grey checkerboard patterns.


然而!就在次年,德国零售品牌Nanu-Nana就发起了取消LV这两项商标的申请。不过,欧盟法院始终无动于衷。这么一来,Damier花纹Louis Vuitton就可以用着放心,用着舒心了。2013年品牌的春夏秀场还出现了一个壮观的“棋盘格世界”👇
The following year, the German retail brand nanu-nana launched a bid to cancel the two trademarks.
But the European court has been unmoved.
In this way, the Damier pattern Louis Vuitton can rest assured, with comfort.
In 2013, the brand's spring/summer show also featured a spectacular "checkerboard world"


Louis Vuitton 2013年春夏秀场
Louis Vuitton spring and summer 2013

And in that show, fan bingbing is dressed in a black and white grid for your added part of a fashion week course, opening my grass that little box is black and white case grain is also same.



The word "big wind" seems to be for Louis vuitton.
Don't know if it because the checkerboard used too unbridled, in 2015, the German court citing "too simple, the lack of obvious characteristics of" decision to cancel LV the two iconic brand.
This is LV meng b, use good how to say cancel to cancel, its doubt got to the various fang solution


Chess: can you please let us have a good time, history, labor is born without Louis vuitton, play chess and I infringed

Gwen tile floor tile: ha ha, don't my every time appear still pay protection fee to you?

What is the case of meng b is LV, in that year big daigou also try to make a lot of money
I'm confused...


全世界都会以为Louis Vuitton从此将放弃对Damier的使用,然而并没有,就算是现在到它的官网搜索关键词“Damier”,list上依旧出现了近500个单品👇
The world will assume that Louis Vuitton will henceforth abandon its use of Damier, but not yet, even if it searches for "Damier" on its website, there are still nearly 500 items on the list


Therefore, it is not true that the rumor that the checkerboard will be out of print in n years is not true. People can still buy and buy it.

那么,Louis Vuitton的历史上出现过哪些令人难忘的经典棋盘格单品呢?这就给大家做个简单的盘点。

So what are some of the most memorable classic checkerboards in Louis Vuitton's history?
This gives you a simple inventory.

The most stunning appearance in the history of the checkerboard was in the winter of 2016, when the brand came up with a five-figure handcase that you should never forget.


因为价高加上产量有限,所以能买到的也是一种缘分,Louis Vuitton彷佛又看到了棋盘格的春天,在天价手机壳上市后的不到一个月时间又出了一个很美貌的白色棋盘格系列,依旧难买👇
Because of the high price and production is limited, so can buy is also a kind of predestination, Louis Vuitton and saw the checkerboard spring, after the following listed for less than a month of time and out of a very beautiful white checkerboard series, is still difficult to buy


Louis Vuitton史上最经典的四款包都大批量的出过棋盘格款,并且现在都还在售。
All four of Louis Vuitton's most classic packages have been sold in large quantities and are now available.





2017 这四只包包又出了大溪地夏日系列,灵感来自大溪地这个低调又美上天的度假胜地,经典棋盘格配上粉色涂鸦花卉清新感十足,这个系列一上市就遭到抢购。
These four bags and out of the 2017 Tahiti summer series, inspiration comes from Tahiti this low-key beauty heaven resort, classic checkerboard with pink graffiti flower is pure and fresh feeling, this series to snap up a listing.



What I've noticed is that there are a couple of worthy checkerboards in the new bags that are being sold, and the most classic brown beige.


棕米色Damier格纹帆布与粉色Cuir Taurillon皮革材质的独特拼接,使本身沉稳的棋盘格变得少女起来。手柄托、撑板、磁吸搭扣与钥匙罩的设计,都将路易.威登的精湛工艺一览无余。
The distinctive splicing of brown beige Damier canvas and pink Cuir Taurillon leather makes a stable checkerboard to become a teenage girl.
The design of handle, brace, magnetic suction and key cover, all of Louis vuitton's exquisite craftsmanship can be seen.

The same pink NORMANDY👇









屹立在奢侈品界超百年时间,Louis vuitton为时尚圈贡献了无数的经典单品,其中真的不止有老花,今天说的棋盘格就是另外一个好选择,这一波棕色+粉色的混搭你们喜欢吗?
Stands in the luxury world over one hundred years, Louis vuitton fashion for countless classical item, which is really more than have presbyopia, said today the checkerboard is another good choice, the wave brown + pink mashup you like it?

祝大家日后在Louis Vuitton能买到更多心仪的包包,么么哒~❤️
I hope you can buy more bags at Louis Vuitton in the future. Mua~❤️

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