These 2 arguments are perhaps among the more polarizing statements I tink I have heard, yet they do not sound like it. “Justice Democrats are bad for Democrats”? Well, I think this one is either a multi-millionaire that likes the tax breaks he is allowed, he lives in a very protected bubble or he is a Republican that is afraid of the “New Age” Democrats being in a position of authority. There is also the statement that “Most NYC Democrats don’t live in AOC’s district”. This first quoted Statement is obviously made out of fear of the newer Dems ousting the older “Status Quo” Congress that has done nothing for anyone except the Republicans in Congress.
“Most NYC Democrats don’t live in AOC’s district so can’t vote against her. She and the rest of the “Justice” Democrats ARE bad for Democrats.”
“How is that? That sounds like one of those statements made by clueless East Coast ‘liberals’ that have no clue about what the working class has had to suffer under since the democrats turned into republicans, and abandoned the actual workers in this country. AOC speaks for your average citizen who has trouble keeping up anymore, trouble earning enough to cover the costs of modern life, having trouble with the abusive situations at work, having trouble with an elected leadership that simply is tone deaf to the needs of this nation, or worse, is malfeasance in its utter contempt and disregard for the conditions for which most of this nation now labors under. The Dems must WANT to lose, when they continue to shaft the progressive wing of this party, and when they continue to ignore the plight of working people in this country — which is why the wingnut we now have is in the office. Average Joe and Jane are sick of business as usual out of Washington, sick of the rich getting more, while they get less and less. I am sick of the ‘centrist’ fools that continue to screw up every time, and this is why we now have Trump instead of Bernie Sanders in 2016.”
Personally I think both of these persons have a valid argument, it’s just that one is more detailed and to the point. If we were to look at the Dems in Charge, or the one’s that “think they’re in charge, then yes, they are simply a bunch of incompetent A**holes. But, If we were to examine how we, as a Country, got to this point then we must admit that it is all our fault that we are here. “WE” citizens of the U.S. have allowed corporations that govern OUR GOVERNMENT to run rampant over our own wishes. I know that most of us are aware of the DNC, GOP, RNC, DCCC as they are in the news quite a bit. Many people believe that these companies are part of the Government and they are there to protect our interests in the election process. Well, NO, they are NOT part of ANY Government agency anywhere in the world. There is another less known group, each political party has one, called the DSCC or the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and has influence within the Senate and the direction of what they want our government to do, not you or me, “They, the Company, the organization” exactly like the DNC and the RNC.
Our Country is riddled with these acronyms that are only there to put money into some one else’s pocket. Like “LOBBYISTS” they are paid to influence Senatorial Votes and direct outcomes that would be beneficial to those that pay them.
In this day and age with all of the near instantaneous communication there is NO REASON to have things like the DNC, the RNC, the Electoral College and a few other things that were created for the Wealthiest among us so they could know who to influence sooner and get the most benefit. WHY DO WE NEED THESE LIGHT of HAND groups that work against the GENERAL WELFARE of the GENERAL PUBLIC? THEY think that we are not intelligent enough to make our own decisions. I think that we are intelligent enough and more. With the technology that we have, WHY do we rely on some ephemeral entity to make the decisions of our life?
Congressional Members like Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell should NOT be in our Government. They do as much DAMAGE as Donald Drumpf has only they have been doing it for over 30 years. Lindsay Graham is another “Killer” of our Government but he has only been there for 14 years.
WHY does the citizens of this Country put up with this CRAP from these “ENEMIES” of Democracy” They have done more to subvert this country that ANY President we have ever had, we just haven’t heard of it since there are so many of these career politicians and the News just doesn’t want to “Rock the Boat” and lose all the little baubles our Congress gives them. AGAIN, just in case I am not being clear, CONGRESSIONAL MAMBERS THAT HAVE SERVED MORE THAN 10 YEARS ARE OUR ENEMIES! They a MUST be replaced at the earliest possible TIME. They MUST be voted OUT and replaced by others that are more in touch with the general population who will represent US, not some ephemeral group of BILLIONAIRES who get a TRILLION dollars back for taxes they NEVER PAID