The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard

in lyrics •  8 years ago  (edited)

You’ll love it!

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard

It's from a song called: “Comme un sage” (Like a wise man) from a French Canadian band called Harmonium (1972–1978). The album was release in 1976.

I’ll give 50% of the Steem Dollars to Serge Fiori, the lead singer of Harmonium. I’ll also invite him to join Steemit. Serge is perfectly bilingual.

Serge and Harmonium are so important to so many people. It means so much for me to be sharing this with all of you and inviting Serge to join Steemit.

Comme un sage

  • C'est toujours pour l'amour qu'on devient fou
  • Ça doit être plein d'amour parce que c'est plein d'fous tout partout
  • Comme si on avait tous peur de se l'dire
  • Qu'on a du mal à naître à se regarder mourir

(5 autres paragraphes)

  • L'amour se prend un corps pour voyager
  • Mais quand il vient chez nous, y'a peur de déranger
  • Comme s'il était seul à pouvoir tout changer
  • C'est fou quand on aime, la mort n'a jamais existé

Translation of the most beautiful thing I've ever heard

  • It’s always because of love that we become crazy
  • There must be lot of love, cause there’s crazies everywhere
  • It’s as if we were all scared of telling ourselves (each others)
  • That we’re having a hard time being born looking at ourselves dying (looking at each others)

5 more paragraphs

  • Love takes himself a body to travel
  • But when he comes in mine he’s scared he’s bothering
  • It’s as if he was the only one with the power to change everything
  • It’s crazy when we love, death never existed

Harmonium, my Love

I was in my late teen when I first heard this song. The song, album and Harmonium had such an important impact on my life and philosophy. I would have a really hard time to describe how profound the whole album of L’heptade is. Translating each and every words would be a good start, but even then, some of the beauty would inevitably be lost.

Wikipedia excerpt about L’heptade

L'Heptade is composed of seven core songs, in order: Comme un fou (Like a mad man), Chanson noire (Black song), Le premier ciel (The first heaven), L'exil (The exile), Le corridor (The hallway), Lumières de vie (Lights of life), and Comme un sage (Like a wise man). These seven songs were mainly written by the band leader Serge Fiori. The title, heptade, is the compound of two Greek affixes, hept- (seven) and -ade, which expresses both the notion of group (décade, pléiade) and epic movement (as in Iliad). Fiori mentioned, at the beginning of the live album of L'Heptade, that the album, framed in seven songs, was evoking the journey of a man in one day through seven levels of consciousness. Clues that the whole journey occurs in a single day are given on the original album. For example, a rapid sigh of a man waking up, followed by steps on a cracked wooden floor can be heard in the prologue, the first musical movement preceding the first core song. A man preparing to sleep can be heard in the finale of the album.

Harmonium you came in my life and changed everything

There’s so many great things that could be said about Harmonium. There’s so many things that is still left unsaid and unknown about the band. I hope Serge will join us on Steem, so he can share some of it.


I really enjoyed sharing this article with you guys. My last Steem post dates more than 2 weeks ago. I can’t even really remember how exhilarating and scary it can be to post here and even though it can be scary, the good we get from it makes all fears as if they never existed.

All that being said, Steemit is way beyond what have been expressed about it so far. It seems like, there’s nothing Steem can't better or totally revolutionize.

Steemit: empowering communities, revolutionizing humanity!

Dozens of votes were cast during the writing of this article and even more by other people. Since Steem started, I’ve invested more than $5,000 in Steem and I’ve made a lot more posting and price appreciation. Thank you Steem!

More on harmonium:

Harmonium's album “Si on avait besoin d’une 5ième saisons” is considered the 36th Greatest Prog Rock Albums of All Time according to Rolling Stone Magazine

Excerpt from Wikipedia: In 2007, all three of Harmonium's studio albums were named among the 100 greatest Canadian albums of all time in Bob Mersereau's book The Top 100 Canadian Albums. They were the only francophone albums from Quebec named to the list besides Jean-Pierre Ferland's Jaune.

Comme un sage is a very mellow song as it represent the 7th level of human consciousness, the most peaceful and blissful state. This is according to the album's concept.

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Interesting: "7th level of human consciousness". I'm listening to this song now...and I am very grateful you shared it. I was inspired to come here to see what sort of post brings up $8,000.

I've been thinking about this a lot with Steemit lately: many people that I tell about this are so skeptical. They're skeptical because they've been ripped off so many times. They're also afraid to waste their time because of all of the distractions in society...they're also somewhat aware (subconsciously) of the abuse they've endured from these social networks. That last part is my speculation.

Besides Steem--as a protocol--lacking a way to acquire more human talent without the use of humans (is that possible?) you have inspired me to fulfill my idea to help bring more influential individuals to Steem. Shall we ALL enjoy our own abundance! :) Love you Guillaume!

Aw! Your comment really cheered me up! Thanks! I'm planning something to help people get their friend and mentors to sign up for Steemit!

Love you too Robert!

awesome, can't wait to hear about it :) take care bruhthuh!

Posts like this are exactly what Steemit should be about! Sharing the things that we cherish most, using our own perspective analysis of course. Very beautiful music from my younger years.

Thank you @jaysanz You said of your younger years but did you knew Harmonium before?

I love your comment.

Not before today and I have you to thank for discovering this. I was born in 1970 in New York, so it was more like Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, and Pink Floyd for me back in the day. Only later in life did I really learn to appreciate other aspects of music; so much so, that I started creating my own music when I was younger. I had the rock star dreams and everything. Long gone now. But music is still a big part of my life. I still publish some stuff here and there; mostly on my own website See ya around!

I'm glad you love the band. I'll check your music too.

I've just learn for the wikipedia page, Harmonium collaborated with Supertramp on a song. I knew they did a couple of first part for them but didn't knew for the collaboration.

This is really beautiful, teamsteem. My favorite line is "It’s crazy when we love, death never existed".
I never thought about it that way before. I guess that's why I got addicted to love, because I never wanted to die. But I suppose some of us are not meant to experience the depth of love, for in the vain search for it, sometimes the abyss is too black, too deep, too cutting. Sometimes we bleed on the way to love and have to stop ourselves from getting cut by it. I want to feel these lyrics, but I cannot for something constricts me. I love the authenticity of your voice in this post. It's quite refreshing in a sea of mad fakes.

>"It’s crazy when we love, death never existed"

I love you comment. I really love the fact that you highlighted this line. It's the best. It inspired me so much back then and it still does today. It fills my mind why so much beauty, a beauty that makes me want to share the best of me.

> I love the authenticity of your voice in this post. It's quite refreshing in a sea of mad fakes.

Coming from you, stella, the person who open the most about herself here on Steemit this means a lot! Thank you!


Thank you for sharing. It's very creative.

Thank you for you comment! This is very appreciated!

Artistic inspiration!

I'm glad you liked it!

Nice inspirational post. Thanks

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Good job @teamsteem

Thanks for putting this together! The track was very soothing playing in the background. :)

I'm glad you liked it @firepower I'm glad you liked the track. It is a very soothing song.

Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you @cherish

Un groupe culte dans mes livres aussi! Merci d'avoir partagé ceci et, évidemment, je suis très très heureux de savoir qu'un travail de cette magnitude se voit aussi bien récompensé. Namasté :)

c'est chouette

Es-ce que tu as lu le livre sur Serge Fiori @eric-boucher Man le livre est juste trop bon. Même mon ami qui n'écoute pas vraiment Harmonium a vraiment adoré le livre. Je te le conseille si tu as le temps.

Thank you very much for letting us know about Harmonium.

I have to admit that I don't know a thing about Canadian music scene. But I am richer now because of you and Harmonium.

Grateful :)

Your comments feels so good! You have no idea! Thank you!


I have the impression that already do not make songs like the old, these types of songs touch the soul, as if you an arrow that goes into our chest and awakens various feelings.

I don't know what this is, but it made me smile!

Great post! Did Serge write the piece of music too? How did you decide he'll get 50%? Traditionally it would be split between the master owner (the recording) and the writer of the actual piece? I guess this leads into a bigger question about who should profit off of other peoples work?

You're right. We shall see.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

That is cool. Do you think that aliens would enjoy that? I went to Area 51 but I did not ask about it.

Hahaha! Harmonium est toujours culte! J'ai toujours eu un petit faible pour "Un musicien parmi tant d'autres" de mon côté!

Woop! Woop! Je suis content de voir qu'on partage une grand admiration pour Harmonium! Merci pour tes commentaires!

beautiful stuff!


Greetings to you all if you will forgive my introduction self please vote :

Downloaded the album to listen to it while driving to work. Well, I was a it upset as I didn't meet my expectations after reading about "The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard".

I didn't talk about the melodies even though the melodies are some of my favorites anyway. I only talk about the lyrics here. Maybe if you like Prog music you could try their album Si on avait besoin d'une 5ième saisons which was name the 36th best Prog album by the Rolling Stone Magazine. It's very different from L'heptade.

👍😆 I like...

good post

thanks for sharing you passion with us!

The sound of my generation. Your roadmap is very inspiring! Je suis du Québec!

On est un paquet du Québec sur Steemit je crois! :-)

Salut @grandpere @winterbike

J'apprécie vos commentaire et je suis content de voir d'autre québecois! Je suis content de voir que vous apprécie mes posts. J'ai bien aimé les posts que j'ai lu provenant de toi grandpere. C'est inspirant à lire.

Yes. Its just unreal to hear...

Aaaaw! I love your comment!

This song blew me away, I must check out the rest of their catalogue! Thank you so much for sharing! I hope you'll enjoy my response as much :)

I'm glad you love the song. I'll look into your post.

teamsteem, you gave a perfect sense of what steemit can offer,better than any social media, or any wiki, you just can find the way to "sponsor" your idea. I love it.

Beautiful. Different, but beautiful. Thanks for the share! Always appreciate inspirational posts!

Thank you!

good post

rly is nice

I'm glad you liked it!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi @teamsteem. Fair play to yee! Great find and a lovely idea to give %50 of 'votes' to the lead singer. Keep more of these great finds coming. What a lovely tune mate. What a lovel frigging tune!! Thanks ;-)

glad to see you @teamsteem I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @Gnichov

There must be lot of love, cause there’s crazies everywhere.
This is such a good line. Love does make us crazy. It makes me crazy when my kids hurt themselves and my wife makes me crazy and I'm very happily married. There is truth in the lyrics that I never thought about. I appreciate you sharing and bringing to light things we do everyday while never considering why.

I too love this line very much. It's so true!

very interesting

'It’s always because of love that we become crazy'


was marginally nice until the singing.

I'm glad you liked it.

I owe Serge Fiori 1795 Steem Dollars.

I've tried to enter in contact with him. I'll let you know when I have more information.

thank you for sharing this with us, its real inspiration

:) Thank you!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

[IMPORTANT] This post covers the Similarity between YouTube and Steemit as well on How to use Steemit and It's OFFICIAL CONTENT RULES.

wow @teamsteem I signed up last month and came here via your latest post to see the post that earned you such huge money and boy, it is a very good read..
You did a great job with the post however currently, it is impossibe to even earn up to 800 with top posts like this. You guys enjoyed steemit at its early stage. Keep steeming to more success

Hi. ~You posted this 2 years ago and I've just read it and it made me buy this CD so I can listen to more...Thanks for sharing....

Most beautiful thing I ever seen: