Is Tamoxifen Effective In Curing Breast Cancer

in maan •  last year 

Tamoxifen, also known as Nolvadex in the industry, is typically given by breast cancer experts and is taken orally. The average patient takes the medication for five years.

It is common practise to test a woman's cancer to determine its sensitivity to oestrogen levels. The drug tamoxifen will be administered if the malignancy is oestrogen sensitive.

Tamoxifen's estrogenic signals don't encourage much cell development because it is such a weak oestrogen. Additionally, it prevents the formation of cancer cells that are encouraged by oestrogen because it has taken the place of stronger oestrogen. This is how tamoxifen functions as a "anti-estrogen."

Natural oestrogen may also be substituted by tamoxifen in the receptors of healthy breast cells.

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