Change save location of Mac screenshot

in mac •  7 years ago 

It is very convenient to capture screenshot on Mac by shift-command-4 however sometimes it's annoying to save Desktop by default since it tries to synch with iCloud all the time.

Here is a simple and working way to change the saving location of screenshot:
$ defaults write location ~/Downloads/Screenshots

You may want to change the format as well:
$ defaults write type jpg

possible formats are png, jpg, tiff, gif, and pdf

You can check the settings by type:
$ defaults read

    location = "/Users/admin/Downloads/Screenshots";
    type = jpg;

open plist file at ~/Library/Preferences/

Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 10.51.47 AM.jpg

Finally, to make it sure it has applied:
$ killall SystemUIServer

Now, your saving location of screenshot has changed with less big image file of jpg format.

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