Air Pollution and Life Expectancy, Antebellum America & Urban Planning and Mathematics

in machinelearning •  6 years ago 


Air Pollution and Life Expectancy, Antebellum America & Urban Planning and Mathematics

Air pollution reduces global life expectancy by more than one year

Air pollution shortens human lives by more than a year, according to a new study from a team of leading environmental engineers and public health researchers.

In Antebellum America, Infrastructure Was Bad For Your Health

How it is that so many people living in one of the world’s richest countries live in such poor health? Whether during the Civil War or the present, the answer to capitalism’s paradoxical effects might actually be pretty simple: As economies grow, often thanks to transportation, so does inequality.

The Evolution of Urban Planning in 10 Diagrams

A new exhibit from the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association showcases the simple visualizations of complex ideas that have changed how we live.

Chasing quakes with machine learning

Scientists have used machine learning to calculate the pattern of aftershocks following an earthquake.

Mathematics can assist cities in addressing unstructured neighborhoods

The researchers established a novel way to mathematically analyze poor and informally developed urban communities, revealing obstacles between unplanned areas and the infrastructure that provides resources for basic human necessities.

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To say that air pollution shortens human lives by more than a year is to say nothng about the issue. That's what big corporations, linked to air pollution, want us to think. They do their best to mimimize the issue. According to WHO 4.2 million deaths every year as a result of exposure to ambient (outdoor) air pollution

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