that's the fact...
So say what ever you want about nato... the reality remains. and that's the first point.
I just repeat it, in nato countries there are girls in hiding (for those not ritualitistycally murdered) from a child rape gang having taken over the us/(uk) gov... (uk), because it may always have been like this.
then, has anything being done to block the flow from turkey threats? nope...
cyrpus? anything?
what is to be understood is that the us aristocracy is with the child rapists. the rest is all fucking lies, decoys, scams, cheats and tricks.
I don't believe in this euro army... I think it will be taken over and used for nefarious purpose, so called interests in foreign lands... I prefer frontex !
there is shengen, so there are those out... and they have to be kept that way. and as they seek to enter, illegally, they have to be reminded that there are rules and laws, and so be reconducted from where they came from...
that's one of the only offensive part I see... the idea is simple, clear a stretch of land, enough to land cargoes plans... and pack and leave.
the second being an offensive enemy, but there are none really structured. Russia/China are way too smart to entangle themselves in the occupation of europe...
and it leads to my last comment, please who can seriously think to invade militarily france? why?
can anyone really serious envision a conquest war over this potential for problems? the answer is no... one gone, is almost the all offensive which become worthless... and then the jetstreams... and worst one, may certainly lead to 2, all? maybe not... but still to risky...
then can France join SCO? answer: you need to eliminate polanski and his friends. Or it's not possible, at least from my view point...
We don't think we will ever need to rotate russian troops in china, but we know, we have nothing to fear from them, and the same is true if moskow ever needs some "more"... we will be exemplary, but we may leave some of "our" corpses fall... it's more a warning than a reality, but to say we don't exclude, we just warn you we have remedies.
don't interfere with excellence.