MacroThursday "Bumblebee" by Sunscape

in macrothursday •  6 years ago 

macrothursday bee.jpg

Bumblebees are the cutest little creatures to photograph. I love following them from flower to flower as they gather the pollen. This one is sitting atop an old Zinnia that the Goldfinches have stripped of seed. Enjoy your Thursday everyone.

Thank you @homeartpictures for this fun #macrothursday photo challenge.

a Etsy Header.jpg

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op -Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop

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Mmmm, I love this shot! well done.
so many amazing things in our gardens.

I liked it a lot too. Thanks for your visit today.

Lovely photo! I hardly see bumblebees around my place! Villagers use too much pesticide!

Oh, that is sad to hear. Pesticides kill them off. They are only harming themselves by using them. BTY the card reading is posted. :-)

This one is a great picture dear Wanda

Thank you, Denisse.

I have seen very few bumblebees this summer. Great shot! Are you recovering nicely?

Wow, it took until the middle of July for them to really show up en-mass. I have a lot of them really working hard on the flowers. I pet one on the back this morning as it was waiting to warm up on a Hydrangea blossom. ;-) I am recovering very well. It has been 3 and 1/2 weeks and I can walk outside in the gardens with a cane now. My husband goes with me to make sure I am okay and he picks what produce and herbs I need. Life is Good! Are you enjoying the warm weather?

I love that you pet the bumbles, too! Glad you are healing so well! Can you believe that Labor Day is on the horizon? I am loving summer so much!

It is hard to believe it is almost Sept. School starts soon and my garden flowers are needing cutting back already. It seems to have flown by this year. Glad you're enjoying the warm weather too.