Obama years in 9 charts... A legacy of willfull destructionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in maga •  7 years ago  (edited)

Citizen Press Corp received this in an email from a source known to be legit.
Thought you might like to see what the years of Obama and Hillary did to our country.

Here is the real story of America 's decline right from their own Fed web site


A picture is worth a thousand words. It can't be made any simpler than this.


The source of these charts is the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis. 

Obama, Hillery and Saul Alinsky did a great job destroying this nation, and now Trump is supposed to fix it over night while the left and the press constantly undermine his efforts while Alinsky burns in hell.

Little known interview of Saul in Playboy magazine just prior to his death in 1972
Alinsky died at the age of 63 from a heart attack near his home in Carmel, California, on June 12, 1972. He was cremated in Carmel and his ashes were interred at Mt. Mayriv Cemetery (the cemetery is now included in Zion Gardens Cemetery) in Chicago.[17][18] Shortly before his death he had discussed life after death in Playboy:[4]

ALINSKY: ... if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell.
ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I've been with the have-nots. Over here, if you're a have-not, you're short of dough. If you're a have-not in hell, you're short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I'll start organizing the have-nots over there.
PLAYBOY: Why them?
ALINSKY: They're my kind of people. 

This was Hillery Clinton's hero! Imagine what the country would be like right now if she was in office! I shudder to think.
Lock her up!
I give you "Clinton Blues" for your listening pleasure by Mason of Merkaba Film Group

Special Thanks to:
Johnny Neel on keys and back ups
Chris Anderson on Lead
Randy Coleman on bass
Doug Jones on Rhythm Guitar
Mason on vocals
c.1998 originally written for the Monica Lewinsky scandal

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That pretty well sums up, as well as 9 charts can, a fiery maelstrom of deliberate sabotage committed by the person in whom the most trust was placed. The lowest circle of hell is made for traitors. Maybe the foul B.O. will send us a postcard.

I like the way you think!

I do have a doubt. For hell to exist assumes there is a god. If a god existed that would create a hell, what assurance is there that only the deserving end up there? Is this god good? It created a hell after all. Do you think that a god that would create such a thing as a Barack would send it to hell for serving it's purpose? A sulfurous B.O. he is, and we're all the poorer for having been subjected to him, but the questions, I think, are can things be recovered, and can the remaining sabotage be weeded out? It looks to be mostly saboteurs at this point.

Excellent summary @citizenpresscorp, resteemed!

Thank you!

Bullseye @citizenpresscorp, it can's be said clearer! Big upvote!