MAGA! Make Alburrica Great Again! (PT, EN)steemCreated with Sketch.

in maga •  last month  (edited)

Ainda Colombo andava de um colhão para o outro, já os portugueses testavam no mar Oceano as naves que trariam o futuro. Plantaram-se pinhais, convidaram-se os maiores Matemáticos e Astrónomos Árabes e Judeus, carpinteiros Galeses e mestres forjadores Espanhóis. Depois, nasceu a Escola de Sagres, pelas mãos do Infante, numa era em que os antepassados do Trump ainda andavam à turra com os Turcos e os do Musk não sabiam o caminho para a África do Sul, porque nós, ainda não o tínhamos inventado. Todavia, a maior obra, que foi a de pôr ao mar os homens de grandes tomates que deram este Mundo ao Mundo, ainda estava por fazer.

Foi feita no Terço Real da Marinha, em Vale de Zebro, e em Alburrica, onde se fizeram as Naus que cruzaram os Oceanos. Foi a Coina que D. João II, Rex Mundis, acudiu, para ver partir a Armada da Índia, que entrou, pela primeira vez no Mar Salgado pela ponta de Alburrica. O mar que vai daqui à América e ao Brasil, corpo marítimo modesto, comparado com as águas que estes homens navegaram, devia ter outro nome. Passar a chamar-se Golfo de Alburrica! Fazer, mais uma vez, desta terra do Barreiro, o umbigo do mundo e parir novos Gamas, Cabrais e Álvaros Velhos.

Let's Make Alburrica Great Again. Assinem o abaixo assinado para mudar o nome do Atlântico. Se eles podem, nós também podemos! MAGA!

(Image: Make Alburrica Great Again)

Colombus was still swimming from one ball to the other, and already the Portuguese were testing, in the Ocean Sea, the ships that would bring the future. Pine forests were planted, the greatest Arab and Jewish Mathematicians and Astronomers, Welsh carpenters and Spanish master forgers were invited. Then, the Sagres School was born, by the hands of the Infante, in an era when Trump's ancestors were still at odds with the Turks and Musk's ancestors did not know the way to South Africa, because we had not yet invented it. However, the greatest work, which was to put into the sea the men with really impressive big tomatoes who gave this World to the World, was still to be done.

And that, was done in the Royal Third of the Navy, in Vale de Zebro, and in Alburrica, where the ships that crossed the Oceans were made. It was to Coina that D. João II, Rex Mundis, came to see the Armada da Índia depart, which entered the salty sea for the first time through the tip of Alburrica. The sea that goes from here to America and Brazil, a modest maritime body, compared to the waters that these men navigated. It should have another name. To be renamed Gulf of Alburrica! To make, once again, this land of Barreiro, the navel of the world and give birth to new Gamas, Cabrais and Álvaros Velhos.

Let's Make Alburrica Great Again. Sign the petition to change the name of the Atlantic. If they can, so can we! MAGA!

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Very good idea! Let's rename everything, regularly. Who needs names that could possibly be used for recognition and understanding?

Why not, Everyone gives places the name they like most. It would be great fun and no one would know where anything else is anymore. lmfao