How to Remove JS and CSS in Magento 2 Using Layout XML

in magento •  2 years ago  (edited)

Does the performance and efficiency of your Magento 2 store suffer when it loads slowly? Would you like your Magento 2 store to be faster? Successful E-commerce business owners encounter a variety of difficulties in managing their enterprises. Longer page load times are one such problem.


When creating a store with Magento 2, you can use custom CSS and JS for attractive layouts and more features. However, you also increase website loading time and increase call volume. Magento 2 needs to have the JS and CSS deleted as a result of the page performance analysis because they are no longer required and may increase page load times. Magento 2 also offers the option to allow CSS and Javascript merging for increased productivity.

Furthermore, if the theme and module conflict, you could frequently need to remove the JS and CSS from the page.

I looked into a technique today to remove JS and CSS in Magento 2 using layout XML, which can reduce the load time for the store.

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