Magento 2 Search Weight facilitates admin to allocate weight for product attributes that are used for catalog search. So, the attributes with high priority get preference over other attributes to appear in the search results.
This makes it easy for the visitors to find the items they are searching for and boost the conversion. As a result, it facilitates providing optimal shopping experience to the customers.
Mainly, there are 10 levels of search weight from 1 to 10. Here, 1 is the lowest weight and 10 is the highest weight. These attributes are responded based on the priority. Attributes having high priority appear on top of search results.
Let’s have a look at the method to set Magento 2 Search Weight and how it works.
For instance, Magento 2 has an attribute color with weight 8 and description with weight 2. Now, if a visitor searches for the term black, the list of products with a color attribute black will appear and may not show results for products with description attribute for black color.
To get more information, you need to refer the tutorial at: