Magento 2 Etsy Integration: Sell your products on the popular Etsy Marketplace

in magento2 •  6 years ago 

For the Magento 2 eCommerce store owners, Knowband offers a smartest solution to enhance their business reach as well as products visibility. Magento 2 Etsy Integration extension allows the sellers to integrate their stores with the Etsy marketplace with great ease.

Even though the marketplaces offer an easy means to the online vendors to cater a larger audience base, the complexity makes it quite a task. The Etsy Magento 2 Integration extension makes it easier for the store owners to list the product on the marketplace and manage the orders with least hassle.

The Magento 2 extension squeezes the entire process of store integration and management into a few simple steps. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to sell your products on

  1. Purchase the plugin from the Knowband store and install it on your site.
  2. Setup the connection with the marketplace by entering the customer ID and other related details. Once the connection is established, you can start selling.
  3. Create profiles in the admin interface of the Magento 2 Etsy API integrator. The profile-based listing makes it easier to map the category and attribute.
    The products of the mapped category will be listed on the marketplace. The customers can place the orders. The orders can be processed in the similar way as the orders of the store.

Admin Benefits of Magento 2 Etsy Integrator


Bulk Management: The profile-based listing allows the admin to upload the products in bulk. The inventory can be managed from a single interface. Any changes made in the inventory of the store can be synced with the marketplace just by executing cron from the backend of Etsy Magento 2 integrator.

Shipping Management: The admin can add shipping templates as per the requirement and map shipping entries with the same.

Order Movement: The admin can sync the orders received from the marketplace with that of the Magento 2 store. These orders can be processed in the same way as the orders of the eCommerce store. The change in the status of the orders can be synced with the marketplace at a button click.

Easy Mapping: The admin can easily map the category and attribute of the store with the marketplace.

Error Tracking: The Etsy integrator displays the error occurred while products listing. The admin can rectify the errors accordingly.

Flawless Integration: The Magento 2 to eBay integration is well tested and technically approved. The products are listed as per the standards set by eBay.

Enhanced Product Visibility: The sellers can now integrate their site with fastest growing marketplaces. This ensures a better visibility of the products and high revenue generation.

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What I like about all such platforms for e-commerce s the opportunity to be migrated to another one. There is also a useful article about how to migrate Shopify to Magento. I use Magento in my business. Actually, it was a recommendation from one professional from this sphere. I cannot compare that to other products, but I like all its functions and abilities it suggests.