Magento 2 Restrict Fake Registration Extension by MageComp

in magento2 •  3 years ago 

Magento 2 Restrict Fake Registration Extension by MageComp helps store admin to prevent fake user and customer registration and email signups with the power of Google ReCAPTCHA.


  • Add a list of email domains as inclusive or exclusive
  • Set your own custom restriction message if needed
  • Restrict words/characters limit for first & last names.
  • Option to blacklist specific IP’s from the backend
  • Built-in integration of Google ReCAPTCHA for zero spamming

With the growing use of technology, spammers and bots are also getting powerful day by day. And E-commerce store owners like Magento suffer a lot by getting dummy accounts and fake customer information which makes it more difficult to identify the difference between genuine and fake customers.

Also, some customers or testers are willing to test products or services without serving personal information or having no intention of shopping. Even some of the dominant tools have failed in preventing spam registration or fake email signups. Even these bots and spammers can do anything to hurt your site but if you analyze the common pattern of these spammers you will get a list of domains or IPs that usually hurt your store.

Magento 2 Restrict Fake Registration Extension by MageComp is the best option for spam customers protection that allows the store owner to prevent fake customer registration and email signups by including or excluding common words, domains, and IPs along with the power of Google ReCAPTCHA. Using the Restrict Fake Registration for your Magento 2 store, you can easily exclude domains that are usually hurting your site and if you do so the extension will no longer be allowed to create an account for those spammers.

MageComp's extension for spam protection blocks spambots and only allows genuine customer registration. And by configuring Google ReCAPTCHA you will get surety of zero spam without annoying your real store customers. You can also limit character length for customer first name and last name as well as you can define Word Exclusion list for Customer Name to restrict common words like a test, testing, customer, guest, user, dummy, etc.

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