not enough money huh yea but we can saw houses in half in our own country form space
yea u can really
its called magic bro
i turned off my whole street once with magic but no1 wants 2 learn ive met yet so oh well
i wonder if i joined the military where theyd put me
i know theyve spyed on me deviant gags
this 1 guy got hacked by nasa cause he knows how 2 get starships to show up
and has like filmed them like hundreds of times on his utube channel
lol but u know all video games r fun
ChipToday at 3:46 AM
yeah xp
Krystal Pyro PawzToday at 3:47 AM
movies are powerful mind control tools
is actually how i learned to do the eleectrical magic thing
i watched this 1 about physhics that sorta looseys had abunch of that in there
and then pokemone
and had these energy draining pokemone
draining a whole city
i started imagingin i was those pokemon THEN BAMO MY WHOLE STREET CUTOUT INCLUDING MY HOUSE!
Hows that for a damm wicca,druid ,wizard, magic spells!?