4 Tips/Tricks for #Magicavoxel

in magicavoxel •  7 years ago 

In this video I show you how to:

  • Use objects
  • Increase the size of your workspace
  • Use layers
  • Use depth of field for cool blur effects

@overkillcoin was asking me for a tutorial because he is very noob and is creating super simple things like 3 voxel next to the other and I felt very sad for him... here is an example of his work:

Just a part of his screenshot

xD We started using #magicavoxel like the same day or so and he is way sooooooooooooo much more advanced than me actually x'D I just said all that for the lols :P

Whatever... This is my third tutorial (but second in English) (I think)... I hope you find it usefull n_n

The music in the video was created by me, you can download it here if you want: She fell asleep, and give it an upvote if ya like it.

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You've received an upvote from a @slothicorn! Neigh neigh! Click here to learn more! (@justatouchfey) ((.)ω(.))

Great video, I'm going to download magicavoxel.

woohoo!!:D check my tutorial for beginners n_n

I learnt how to use the program by watching @fabiyamada's great videos (I am still a noob though :p)!

sureee thank you