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Do not only contact Binance (he could have traded here anonymously). There are also transactions that lead from Bittrex to @magicdice (6 months ago). I am really convinced that withdrawals from Bittrex were stopped for unverified users. Even in late 2017, the limit was lowered to 0.025 BTC, but this transaction contains 5k SBD. I hope this could help a lot with identifying him.

EDIT: @zombee (and even @magicdice1) has indeed made a few transactions to @bittrex - and with one memo for each coin (SBD/STEEM).

People who invested in such a scammy business deserve to lose money.

A bad experience is the best experience.

I don’t think either of these sites will(or should) easily give up user information. I’d recommend, if possible, trying to get the authorities to investigate and ask for the information themselves.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We should create a discord group in order to talk. If we have any news, let us know: the roads are binance and bittrex.

All zombee's accounts are: @zombee, @dmania, @meme-maniac, @garanger, @terimar, @tank-girl, @sinsister, @ready-player-one, @puppet-master, @coindeluxe, @magicdice, @magicdice1, @magicdice2, @magicdice3.

If you have time, you may look at them. Maybe you can find at least something interesting.

I can't see any direct transfer or anything between magicdice's accounts and powerguy that would not be bets, referral or dividends claims.

But I found that @powerguy is owner of these accounts: @assassinss, @crypto-miner, @dice-dice, @diceking, @kingdice, @powerguy, @steem-nice, @steem-steem.

So it really stinks... those accounts were the biggest wagerrers.. so @powerguy was 'mining' the tokens all the time, not just in the beginning. What is interesting that @powerguy received transactions through binance (screenshot below), although he uses upbit. I like the memo of these txs.


yes he created tempting dividends for all of them and that in any case they came into his first pocket. People were happy to play for good dividends. In my opinion he is inside the scam, I'm almost certain.

Just feeling is not enough, I need to find some proof.

True, however, it is strange that a large stakeholder has not complained

I know you're right, however, we have a lot of data, maybe even steem witnesses can help us to clarify their presence. dapps are like ico for eth anyone can scam without problems. In fact eth has lost a lot for the erc20 tokens. Steem is doing the same with dapps, only that eth is huge as a market cap, steem if it continues like this it dies

I have just found that @powerguy with his accounts use this memo for binance: 103700729. But nobody else uses it. So powerguy has a separate Binance account, as it is not possible to create new memo here. this is the server to talk about the magicdice scam and look for solutions.

He simply has to be verified on Bittrex... if under his real name, that is the real question.

He has two bittrex accounts, he is not just an asshole, I think there are two or three

Actually, it could be just one account! Memos for SBD and for STEEM are different overthere (if I remember correctly, I do not use Bittrex anymore).

yes you're right, I didn't think of sbd, but I think there's a wider range of accounts and people, it's a feeling.

Not really, unverified user isn't verified by ID, just verified by something (phone number of example)

I knew there was a reason I never used it lol

Me too! We have INTUITION!

Posted using Partiko Android

Gambling games aren't usually developed by honest people, may be exceptions to this but not in this case. People should be more cautious with their money and with who are supporting to.

The site wasn't even developed by zombee.. It was a clone from a publicly available script..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wait are you saying zombee is innocent or that he just didnt develop magic dice?

Hey regardless, i think theres a lesson here about anonymity... if everyone was tracked no one could pull exit scams... like if we made sure we knew where people lived before we invested din their

He's stating that zombee didn't develop it. @klye can you link me that script?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.

I have noticed that they were transferring huge amounts of Steem to @magicdice1 and then to Binance. I also planned to write something about the whole ecosystem (everyone was betting for dividends, that would not be sustainable and the volume of bets would decrease over time). Unfortunately, I was too lazy. I am quite surprised right now, I did not really think they would exit scam. They were taking (according to what they showed on the site) whole 60% of profits, so wouldn't their profits be somehow legitimate if they did not exit scam?

I also fell into it, lost some STEEMs in exchange for dividends, but I do not need them. Thank you for your article and I hope they will be punished for their actions.

Daily withdrawal limit on Binance for unverified users is set to 2 BTC so it is very probable that they traded here somewhat anonymously. 580k Steems over a time span of 5 months is not that much.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

"I am quite surprised right now, I did not really think they would exit scam."
That is surprising after you stated yourself the fact that the business model of Magic Dice is unsustainable in the long term.
They probably lied with saying that they are taking 60% of the profits.
Based on your statement ("everyone was betting for dividends, that would not be sustainable and the volume of bets would decrease over time"), the Magic Dice exit scam is (was) not surprising, but expected.

I knew people would become less and less encouraged to bet for dividends over time. I was imagining only that the volume would go down, but definitely not that they would exit scam. I even noticed these large transactions to Binance, but I though there could be a rational explanation and exit scam did not even come up in my mind. I was afraid of Drugwars going exit scam, but definitely not Magicdice... As I said, I just thought the volume would go slowly down and that the daily leaderboard would still encourage some people to bet (although still less and less). I saw these red flags (not so long ago), I should have expected this.

By exit scamming, they definitely took more than 60%. It is also questionable how much dividends they owned and if they collaborated with @powerguy and his accounts - which were the biggest wagerrers on the site.

Absolutely agree about it being an unsustainable business model especially when a few bit bot owners were taking the vast majority of the rokens.
Kryptogamers seem to be addressing this by using tradable tokens on Steem engine and have said will buy tokens back. Not sure this is perfect but it's better I think.

Posted using Partiko Android

Bot or not you only take what you earn (and risk)

Of course, but bots play 24hr and I am sure are created not to lose more than the benefits in dividend payments then of course it's an ever decreasing circle so the 'risk' is almost non existent.

Posted using Partiko Android this is the server to talk about the magicdice scam and look for solutions.

Sorry to see it happened but guess we all see it coming when things going off here and there recently(we do keeping a close eye on the gaming industry on Steam).

Fortunately, EpicDice can pretty much fills up the hole left empty by MD, with second-to-none transparency level in the whole industry, promptly customer service mainly responsible by @fr3eze (aka blocksensei). All on top of most straightforward provably-fair verification system. We aim to build a true blockchain gaming platform as trustless as possible whereby most of our business logic could be monitored and audited by anyone, if they choose to.

Furthermore in the near future, we have a major release that would likely boom the value of our native SE token (EPC), a plan to expand our reach by hiring moderators from the community, and endless effort in improving our platform.

We are still in the infant stage of our journey (only 3% of token were minted), and we really looking forward for your participation.

Talk to us, or we shall see you in the game!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I can definitely vouch for @epicdice though their platform is not as robust as MD yet. But as said by them, they are still in their infancy atm. They badly need some automated betting integration or compatibility with tools like mydicebot & boookeeping and a fat bankroll for allowing bigger bets.

The only major issue I see with @epicdice is they don't know the difference between STEEM & SBD and consider both at par! MD used to pay dividends in STEEM + SBD according to the profits in the currency wagered. ED should follow that or should not offer an option to wager with SBD. It's quite unfair of them.

Otherwise, their communication, intention and operations look fair to me among all other games here.

I'm the largest EPC holder after the team holdings.

I agree with you @xyzashu about the things you mentioned above about @epicdice.
I remembered that you warn me about the @magicdice that they was not good and not communicate properly from day one, and you did not play too much there. I also see many times their communication on discord server that they are hiding the things. But i seen @themarkymark is playing too hard and didn't check & find out their intention. That's the worst point of @themarkymark. The @marky only checked their batting fairness.

Thank good @xyzashu to not played magicdice. Only testing the platform and warn about from day one about their unfairness.

I think we have to forget @magicdice, no if no but forget magicdice and @themarkymark philosophy about the steem platform. He is the stand with gun and playing too hard gambling and blacklisting steemians without any fault. Only thing is that not agree with their philosophy put into blacklist. But all the way is the great steemians with witness badge.

All the way i still continue voted @themarkymark as witness and like their stand about things. Always stand hard with their own decision. No one can change it, that is the good point.

Yeah, Although I didn't know anything about the people behind @magicdice, it looked shady to me since its inception. When they couldn't properly address my fundamental queries about their project, I got suspicious of them and thought to wait until they clarify. But that was never to come!

I won't like to blame @themarkymark for not checking or finding about the team. He did a great job in verifying the fairness of their algorithm. But fairness of code doesn't imply integrity of intentions of the team behind it.

I know, many people were feeling comfortable in playing at @magicdice as respected and intellectual Steemians like @themarkymark were leading players on that platform. But there is no denying the principle - DYOR. Don't follow anybody when YOUR finances are involved.

However, it would have been better if @themarkymark had not waited until this day and given out some clues like he mentions now as:

For the last few weeks, they stopped paying dividends to a few of the larger players who stopped playing a while ago.

He should have been vocal about this fact. But probably he was waiting for some concrete evidence like he got today.

I never placed any bet on MD except the one bet in its initial days to test how they process it. All magic tokens I had received were a gift as some contest prize from them. I'm indebted to MagicDice community for all the STEEM and MAGIC I was offered in their resteem prize.

But once I'm in doubt, it's really hard to win my trust again. Same is applicable for SteemBet. Although they rendered a public apology and promised to be more transparent and interactive with the community, I didn't find it so. I doubt they are related to BetX on EOS (that recently announced to move on Binance chain) as they have copied their entire design and colour theme here. I remember BetX too was not fair to honour its coin-age model and they couldn't wait until their pre-announced timing for first dividend distribution. I see that I have some dividend to claim on SteemBet platform but dunno why I can't claim it!

Regarding @themarkymark's blacklisting policy, I don't know much about it. As a matter of fact, every Steemian is free to blacklist / unfollow / mute / follow / whitelist anyone at their own individual discretion. Some people are quick to draw conclusions and judge people on the basis of a few isolated incidents. Ignore such people and keep doing what you do!

I've rarely interacted with Marky, so I don't know much about his stance. I remember pointing him for his unfair principle and rules for transacting with his bid-bot buildawhale in initial days. His answer was like everyone else is doing that so he is also following them! This answer didn't make me communicate with him further. If every dapp starts cheating or scamming people here, it doesn't set the benchmark for ethics and can't justify running your own dapp for purpose of scamming. But many people copy and derive their principles and values by watching others. Can't help in that case!

But kudos to you that you're still voting Marky as your witness! I appreciate your gesture. ^Criticize the people's act when they should be but don't condemn them.*

Steem on!
...or gamble on ...if you so wish. Here is my referral link for Epic Dice. 😊

However, it would have been better if @themarkymark had not waited until this day and given out some clues like he mentions now as:

I privately warned a lot people well ahead of time, but I had no concrete proof. It was just gut feeling from things I noticed.

It's hard to claim someone is scamming without proof, that's slander.

I remember pointing him for his unfair principle and rules for transacting with his bid-bot buildawhale in initial days.

What unfair principle and rules?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What did @klye mean here?

@klye do you mean zombee didnt develop it but could still have run it? Or we are all pretty sure zombee did it? it isnt just people being "mean" to him again?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

People need to start supporting more good cause projects like @aid.venezuela.... to muuuuch money lost that these people can use for humanitarian aid...

Also, if people want to earn money just sell vote or delegate to any good bot with reward share...

offtopic: the another problem will be, so much people that don't know how to undelegate to magicdice and so much sp locked in that account

undelegate here

make sure you use steemconnect to sign your undelegation

I hope this emboldens you to keep watching for shady apps. I can't imagine watching these guys so closely like you did.

Another scam. Great marketing for Steem once again...

It's just funny because they could've continued making money.

No they couldn't. Their dividend payments would have overtaken their income

Posted using Partiko Android

And they held the majority of it, and if they made it so we could gamble it, they would end up with even more.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.

It's not Steems fault there was a scam on the blockchain.
Anyways, this isn't the first time and won't be the last because people are innovative. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @themarkymark !
🚀 🌕 You WON the Player’s Upvote Lottery for playing moonSTEEM
Here's a 100% Upvote for you ! May the Moon be with you !

Moon your steem everyday ! Instant Dividend payout after every game -

Just another game with tons of support out-survived by free games with little to no support.

How do they keep doing it? What is their sekrut?

Find out at ... Lucksacks and The BROsino! =)

This is why we can't have nice things.

@themarkymark - another steemy tragedy, and outrage that platforms like to come & leave us out to dry..

But i'm curious how you came up w/ the STEEM/SBD amount they left w/ because that seemed a big high to me. Also, they seemed to have paid divies just fine over the past few weeks as far as I could tell. I know i was gettin them at least. (that said, still irritated as heck of their sudden departure... so dishonest)

I analyzed how much they sent to Binance. I know a large (350K-400K Steem) goes to one user I believe is being paid off chain so the amount really only is 50K-150K or so most likely.

Next time don't use Dapps that are created by unknown entities.

Then please state those dApps that are built by "unknown entities"

Lol it was run by zombee and people still delegated to it ? And you took the time and effort to play like 2m bets on it ?

Steem, come for the rewards, stay for the umm, what was it?

This is Steem, short memories. Ironic considering the Blockchain remembers everything :D

Same concept of Trevon James being super popular here despite his previous actions and current lawsuit(s).


If someone has the power to give you an upvote, money, maybe even just a little attention people will forget all sorts of bad behavior.

ain't that the truth.

Trevon upvoted a bunch of my blogs after i started posting the word ponzi on his, it pretty much worked i stopped calling him a ponzi scam promoter. Pretty much anyone can make a comeback here if they spread around the upvotes

Even just the potential of upvotes is enough to sway many minds.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL! Hahahaha.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Glad I never touched that shit. @zombee strikes again

What is dead may never die.

No surprises here.

As expected, nothing new has come of this and the scammer got away with it. All they have to do is wait a couple of weeks and people just move on.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Oh nice This is the post I have been searching for

Why do people keep supporting scams/scammers and not stuff like @brosgn and @brosino? Is it because we don’t run ponzis and then ditch the community after banking 500K+ STEEM that we’ll dump on the market before moving to the next chain?

I'm pretty sure a bulk of the 560K isn't Steemians, there was one player that I believe was being paid off-chain behind the scenes to take massive loses (~350K-400K Steem) to dilute the token making it pay out a lot less. I suspect the real loses are around 50-150K Steem. Rest are just wash loses being reimbursed, but I never had hard evidence.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Are there any honest gambling sites.
!dramatoken I need a !beer

There is an honest non-gambling casino that uses virtual credits. Run by Steem users who don’t scam people time and again. Follow @brosgn and @brosino. Check out the BRO Casino (BROsino) to see how it all works.

We’ve got a lot more coming. Would be nice to get the kind of support all of these scammers always receive from the community. Imagine how much more we could do with just a quarter of the money Magic Dice received, considering almost everything we’ve done so far has been funded ourselves.

Honest? I keep losing! Sheesh.

100% feel you here.. is my preferred casino offering.

100% no hype token bullshit and I won't run off with your investment. <3

If you wish to try Epic Dice, here's my referral link. Although I don't know the people behind it personally, I feel more comfortable on this platform than others. If you wish to use my referral for it, I'd extend some gift to you. Hopefully, I'll make a post for it to give some details on it.

OMG. Another exit scam.
That's going to generate some
worthy meltdowns

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for this report @themarkymark. I hope this doesn't hurt @thedarkhorse, the founder of the @pifc community!

Posted using Partiko Android

Luckily I have been on top of pulling my dividends so only lost future earnings which kind of sucks...but it isn't the end of the world. Between my accounts I wasn't in to bad of shape and have earned more on KryptoGamers then I lost on MD.

Really surprised they did this considering the profit levels they were making each week. Not sure why people feel the need to scam when they have the ability to actually just earn.

I just hope we don’t see this from others.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Me too. Sucks seeing this happen for those that were banking on dividends to recoup their losses. To many felt that it was ok to loose steem every day to "mine" MD tokens in hopes of future dividends.

I was collecting dividends but stopped gambling with them a while back.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is exactly my situation. I would jump on collect the dividends and make a couple bets as they always seemed to let you win a few bets before screwing you. So I would make 1-2 steem each time and then grab my dividends.

Glad to hear this @thedarkhorse. Couldn't exactly "call" you (old school dude here ...) ... 😉 ... or text you ("new" school ...), so this was the best I could do to alert you to what might a problem.

"Not sure why people feel the need to scam when they have the ability to actually just earn."

Because there are a lot of good and bad people in the world. And from where I sit, a lot more of the former than the latter ...

lol...I guess being tagged to be alerted is truly new school.

Because there are a lot of good and bad people in the world. And from where I sit, a lot more of the former than the latter ...

There are clearly more good people out there then there are bad. It's just sad the bad people don't realize that with less effort and without harming others they could have so much more success.

Looks like it - is offline as well.

What a piece of shit. Got absolutely no compassion for someone whos pulling something like that.

Karma will get 'em.

Look at the bright more dealing with @dmania bs rewarding stuff anymore.

Might be something more official than karma :P

Do it Markey.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope so.

Really do hope so! Thanks for investigating

Rather large transfer to @deepcrypto8, which ends up being cpzhao upon blog inspection... but I am sure you are already aware...

pulls it twice remember. Dmania was raping a steemit delegation.

THere is that saying about fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, isn't there?

Can't really remember what the story was there exactly, but I remember this:

Guess it wasn't an attack afterall ;)

What a shit-show. @tarazkp and @howo were right - should have seen this coming...

Haven't you learned, howo and I are always right ;P

Hope people didn't get taken for too much though. Going to be some fallout on the way.

a great deal of the stake went to the team and their alts.
and I remember hearing stories about slack channels and the personality involved.

WTF KARMA???You are one of the most influent person in steemit and this is your answer?? How people can believe that steemit is not a circus???

I might be influencial on Steem, but there's nothing I personally can do to prevent scammers from scamming people. And in this case, since the people behind it are anon there is even less I'm able to do. Maybe the investigation with Binance will have some impact, but I somehow doubt it since Binance doesn't enforce KYC. That's why I said: Karma will get 'em. What they did was very short-sighted and stupid - they could have built a real business, profitable for years - but they shot that goose and aren't even able to talk about it since what they did was illegal.

And I see that you lost some money in the process. I'm sorry about that, but I hope you'll learn from it and be more cautious the next time.

I think first of all you shoukd block an account that take out huge money, because it is not matter of freedom if you let people do anarchy control.
First point of legal freedom is doing whatever you want respecting others, first point of anarchy freedom is doing whatever you want which make you in better coditions, now Steemit is the heaven of anarchy freedom....:(((

At least you were trying to keep watch, and reported conversely @themarkymark The only steem related game I have even bothered looking into was Colony; I just don't have a desire to play games here I guess. Not that I think anything is wrong doing so (minus this terrible situation) I would use my Ps4 for games. @eturnerx this isn't the Magic Dice you were playing I hope?

I do appreciated your Black List extension on the Chrome browser my friend; is there any coding that could help detect this sort of thing in the future @themarkymark? Man... sad times here... hope it is able to be resolved, and there aren't a bunch of fellow Steemians left with empty pockets...

No. I don't play such games either. I did stake some dice game on EOS. About broke even before it exit scammed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah that's my mistake... magic cube... just remembered you were enjoying a puzzle related game... sorry for the confusion... just looking out @eturnerx


Well, that sucks, especially for the people who lost a ton of Steem while mining the tokens...

Posted using Partiko Android

This looks like scam territory. Rough.

Posted using Partiko Android

I never was into magic-dice, the entire playing to get tokens just to earn dividends taking a loss expecting to earn it back over time from future player losses never really made much sense to me. I do like the moonsteem model though of investing to provide liquidity and the token part is only a part of the dividends. I hope they don't run away with the money. This definately made me more carefull. thanks for the info!

In both sites, STEEMs are held centrally. Anything could happen even on Moonsteem (and I say that as an investor in MS).

Wow! I had lucky timing to claim the little dividends I had and never really plan. Let me go get my delegation back!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Something always rubbed me wrong about that site and the way they were using bullshit hype tokens to snare gamblers to come play..

My condolences to those who lost cash from these fuckers running off.. is up and running if people want to come play at a place that won't run off with their money.

Not great for the reputation of honest sites like ours. However, if you come to our Discord server, you'll see that I do not try to hide my identity. Two clicks away from the application's site will lead you to my true identity, We are here to stay and trying to build a community of trust and mutual benefit. I guess things like this will serve to increase the trust required by players before they part with their Steem, thereby organically building a more trustable Dapp ecosystem on Steem.

Dangerous game to play there if you're not registered as a legal casino and paying taxes on the services earnings.. But I understand ya! Transparency is way better than being a shady shadow operator.

Ohh man why this people ae doing this thing and making STEEM blockchain in bad ass name. Shit man all this thing ruin and impact on investors if they know all this scan is GOING on with STEEM.

Posted using Partiko Android

I quite liked that app and used it occasionally. It was so simple to use and fun for a punt.
Dividends were a bonus but not the driving force for me. I know a lot must have been lost by bigger players in this. Ouch.

They gave out nice random chunky upvotes on steemit comments to players too.
I must have made back anything I lost to the dice purely in upvotes.

Still though. That’s a dick move if they’ve packed up and gone.

I hope they get their comeuppance.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I have 50 milion ot token....

Come gamble on

No shitty hype tokens or exit scams. You've my word!

What have people lost? The daily dividends from the tokens?

That, all future dividends, and any current loses they are at.

Right. I knew it was a lure to play being promised dividends.

Those at loss might thank them for not making their hole any bigger. Still, not cool :(

That was exactly my comment on @meno s post!

Posted using Partiko Android

Off over to Epic dice are we? :D

Lol...I play kryptogamers. At least I can flog the tokens to get a few pence back on Steem Engine!
How you bearing up to all the big changes mate?

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

FUCK! Millions of tokens for nothing. This shit keeps happening and will continue to happen because people running ecryptocurrency businesses are mostly anonymous. Well fuck me for trusting some anonymous asshole.

Don't even bother trying to find them, you never will. This just keeps happening over and over again and no one ever gets caught. ever.

Don't even bother trying to find them, you never will.

Don't be too sure about that, he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Well, more power to you brother... I'm so fed up with these scams.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Can come gamble on a site without garbage tokens...

100% no shitty hype tokens or exit scams.

Jesus!! 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

I hope u didnt lose any like you did with bellyrub.

well I expected this

Thank you for your information.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anyone looking for a genuine dice game on the blockchain should check out @playdice instead. No sign of any unrealistic promises of riches, just a clean, fair game.

!bookkeeping magicdice drugwars steemmonsters moonsteem


I hope you find them and teach them a lesson!

@themarkymark purchased a 29.60% vote from @promobot on this post.

*If you disagree with the reward or content of this post you can purchase a reversal of this vote by using our curation interface

!bookkeeping magicdice

Hi @camiloferrua!



  • 294.905 STEEM
  • 86.825 STEEM from referral
  • 0.135 STEEM from delegation
  • 23.749 STEEM from dividends
  • 0.000 SBD
  • 3.858 SBD from referral
  • 0.000 SBD from delegation
  • 0.123 SBD from dividends


  • 285.225 STEEM
  • 0.000 SBD


  • 120.389 STEEM
  • 3.981 SBD

Such drama, you've earned a DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Hmm... "MagicDice" and nobody thought there would be a "disappearing" act?

Whats the purpose of a new dice site anyways... There's like 100 already established and competing for the few dice gamblers.

Dice games are the most boring way to lose your money that I've ever found. I honestly don't know how anyone could find it even remotely entertaining and think they'll somehow come out a winner from this type of thing...

The one thing that sucks about cryptocurrency not accountability at all. Going to be huge amounts of bad actors always and they will most likely be the ones the benefit the most.

I can not believe they have dun this I had millions of tokens hopefully you can track them down something definitely needs to be dun about this thanks for sharing this

And site is still down looks like many people won't receive their, rewards and tokens...

Posted using Partiko Android

!bookkeeping magicdice drugwars moonsteem


Good day to be @kryptogamers @cupz or @epicdice

That's why I never trusted some gambling stuff...

Posted using Partiko Android

@magicdice has deceived many people and made us lose. he ran away by taking our money cowardly

Posted using Partiko Android

I was not really in favor of this magic dice from the very start i used it but when i lost some on it i quite there was no any special resone behind the use of this because from where he will giving money to people i like to not use such apps ever !

Thank you inform every one ! appreciated bro

Oh boy... will spend some time later too, checking it up. This is why I like delegation as a secure way of investment.


Thanks for reporting @themarkymark.

Posted using Partiko Android

Gambling sucks. YOU never win. Shouldn't be a surprise. Gambling is a SCAM without even actually scamming. What do you expect?

Says some one holding crypto! It's no different to any financial market!

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, I got control over my portfolio. This is smart gambling.

Here's your DRAMA. Don't spend it all in one place!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Well's a damn shame. But not entirely unexpected either. AT any rate, thank you for keeping on top of this @themarkymark and for letting us know what's going on.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Bad news to Steem ecosystem and devs specifically. Know who is behind the projects would be very positive

Like magic tricks? Here's one for ya. Never gets old.

I just went to the website after a long while away, and yes, had to search hashtag magic dice to get some info! Half a million steem! Dam that was a good one.

Lame. Always has to be a party pooper. 😱

Who owns @deepcrypto8 and @binance-hot ?
@magic-dice sent Transfer 44610.870 STEEM to deepcrypto8
and then deepcrypto8 to binance-hot in the last 24 hours.

Received 34512.124 STEEM from deepcrypto
Received 18319.198 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 154380.873 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 16306.447 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 40734.076 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 45436.933 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 12475.332 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 24264.076 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 41831.521 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 20002.000 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 26461.409 STEEM from deepcrypto8
Received 40222.684 STEEM from deepcrypto8

474,942 STEEM transferred

Those are owned by Binance exchange.

Okay, so it was just the one 44,610 STEEM amount that magic-dice sent out to Binance.

Just curious as why Binance needs the multiple accounts to handle money transfer.

No, those are all Binance.

@magic-dice sent: Transfer 44610.870 STEEM to deepcrypto8

This was my 1st point. You aren't saying that the magic-dice account is also Binance?

My second point was that I was just curious as to why Binance needs so many accounts to do transfers.

I only know of 2 automated accounts. One for withdrawals and one for deposits.

There's also a public account @binanceexchange, but they haven't posted anything in a while.

All those transfers are going to Binance.

I am not sure why they use multiple accounts, it's not too surprising though.

Thanks for being an active witness and keeping an eye on this scumbag scammers. You will always get a vote from me for your diligence.

They did a great business over here!
I share. 💕☘

I lost 11000 steem on these "magic" tokens - I feel physically sick - I invested as i thought a passive income stream would help my new life of the road, what it has acctualy done is made me lose 2 thirds of my crypto holdings. I feel i have let myself and my girlfriend down from this massive lack of judgement, I dont know what to do right now.

Dear @madstacks, i can understand your feelings, i was pretty sure that steem blockchain was safe place, but now i am sure steemit is rubbish, i will quit this shit!

Dear @themarkymark, please report it to @ned, this is not possible to happen in our family, if he will not do anything, i will quit steemit

There isn't anything he can do. He has no more control over users account than I do. That's the decentralization everyone wants.

haha holy shit, detective Marky Mark is on the case 🕵

I'm a little scared to think of how you have connections that you can track down an anonymous account, but I'm glad scamming assholes have to worry about you! :^)

Posted using Partiko Android

This is all too common in the crypto space and a huge reason I disagree with how people use delegations. Delegations are all too often given for free tokens but used to portray community trust.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The delegations for MD for used for two reasons.

  1. Resource Credits as they required a lot for all the transfers required to run MD
  2. Voting Power, they were using votes to encourage players to play more

I get that they’re using the delegations for this but a lot of people, myself included, are foolishly thinking that the delegation(if it’s big enough) means the people delegating are vetting and verifying the account. In reality I’m just realising this probably isn’t the case(sometimes I’m dumb).

You definitely can't assume that most things are done purely for financial reasons.

Definitely seeing that. Thanks for the heads up about MD by the way!

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a shame... kudos for letting us know marky a.k.a The Defender of Steem Salute! @themarkymark

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I flag trash (and morons). You have received a flag.