Starting to connect the points... Further experimantation with the Operation Intruder.

in magick •  7 years ago  (edited)


There is a psychedelic renaissance in Israel right now. Some underground saints are importing and spreading real LSD, probably the only "real deal" in the market here, and they do it at a really low price (sometimes for free) and with a strong sense of mission to open peoples' eyes.
After some time of hearing about it as an enthusiast acid lover, I had managed to lay my hands on some of their drops, and decided to dedicate this trip to my latest Chaos Magick experiment - the Operation Intruder.
So after some time meditating on the OpIntruder sigils and creating or modifying memes for the sake of the operation, I took 300aug of this marvelous batch and went out for a walk with my dog. It started kicking in very quickly and in the middle of the walk I saw what seems to be a UFO. Just a light in the night skies, like a plane or something, except it was not moving at all for a very long time. I was gazing at this strange object and started feeling pretty weird (not the regular acid weird), then had a feeling I should go home.
I went home, took a fantastic shower, then sat down to meditate with some deep music.
After some time, some revelations came to me about the alien entities and the use of the CE5 sigil. I have realized that what we call "aliens" or "spirits" or whatever are simply multi-dimensional entities of some sorts, communing with us through many formats, and the CE5 sigil is a mean of communication from our side.
Also realized that some of those entities are basically me, basically us, in "higher" dimensions. The CE5 sigil can be used for initiating "abductions", but also it is a great way of performing operations that "mundane" us cannot, stuff that will be considerd "miracles" or "higher interventions" by "god's hands'", stuff with no mundane and logical explanation, so I decided to try it out, on a small scale at first.
I had a wound on my face and I drew the sigil around it with the intention of miraculous healing, then decided to give it some time and left it alone.
After some more time meditating, I had a feeling it's time for a minor DMT experienced. I packed my pipe with half a bowl, put on some binaural beats, then hit it and layed down.
Heard the buzzing sound then saw some strange figure approaching me from the skies. I heard wind blowing outside like crazy and something was knocking on my window, then I saw the figure getting closer to me and heard it whispering in my left ear.

A side note

About a week ago I had another half a bowl of DMT, at the end of the experience I started giggling and told my friend that Dima (the "spirit" of DMT) is tickling me. I asked him if he knows what I'm talking about and he said yes, then we reached a conclusion - Dima is tickling us at an area of our body, but not our physical 3D body, he/she tickles a point on our multi-dimensional body, maybe the astral one, maybe the 4th dimensional one.
Then I told him about a concept I read about in the books about the teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda, the concept of Will.
Will, as Don Juan explains, is a force that have a deep conncection to Intent, but not the normal intent and will of "I want this and that", but an actual force of some sort that is coming out of, or can be manipulated through a specific point in the center of our multi-dimensional body.
Will or Intent of the second attention is an active force capable of miraculous manuevers, and it's center in the multi-dimensional body is the exact point where Dima is tickling.
(For more info about the "types" of attention click here.)
I will make another post explaining deeper the concepts of Will and Intent.

Back to the recent experience

The alien figure told me that it's gonna teach me a few things. The first thing was that connection was made successfully through the use of the CE5 sigil. Second, it's gonna teach me how to Dream, first gain the ability to lucid dream, then to use Dreaming like shamans did as means of exploring the depths of the Dark Sea of Awareness.
To gain this, it taught me how to achieve a state of Internal Silence by actively silencing the chattering of my Internal Dialogue. Staying in that state while allowing the physical body and the normal attetion to fall asleep is the key of reaching the dreamworld from a state of awareness, of clarity, what lucid dreamers often call the WILD technique (Wake Induced Lucid Dream), which means, falling asleep normally but letting some part of you (maybe the second attention or the attention of the multi-dimensional body) staying awake and literally separating those two forms of attention, shifting your awareness from the first attention to the second. (We normally are so attached to our first attention and the physical body that when it falls asleep, so is our awareness...)
I tried that, but after understanding the concept, the figure didn't allow me to fall asleep, it told me that in my next DMT experience, which gonna be a full launch experience this time, it will or they will give me the final breakthrough as for how to Dream. And besides - there is another great lesson to be learned right now.
The figure started tickling the spot of Will again, then stopped, and taught me how to stimulate the area myself and stirring up the Will in order of waking up the Dreaming Attention or the Second Attention.
Controlling and mastering the center of the Will is a key teaching and crucial for gaining control over our multi-dimensional body, learning to act in this body of light, As this body of light, as luminous beings in a luminous multi-dimensional universe.
This the figure did by teaching me that the center of Will have some kind of connection to the emotional center and the carnal center. So it taught me some breathing exercises in order of gaining control over my heart-beats and the emotional center, and also some exercises of waking up the Kundalini energy in order of gaining control over the carnal center. Those exercises combined create some kind of a circulation of energy that "touches" somehow the center of Will in the multi-dimensional body.
One last thing the alien figure has told me, is that the center of Will is also where I project the Octarine Energy from, teasing me about the Octarine project in such a way it knew I will have to practice it.

The experience ended and I fell asleep.
In the morning I felt tired but also extremely satisfied and rejuvenated and grateful for all that I have learned at night. I went on Facebook to post a little trip report in a psychedelics enthusiasts group (couldn't tell exactly what happened like I did here, most if not all of the people would not understand), and set the following picture as the post's image.

Oh and also, right before I left home and went to work, I took a quick look in the mirror and to my complete awe the CE5 sigil on my face was gone as did the wound.


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Your experience of the entity parallels strongly what I experienced during Abramelin Operation in 20015/16. The entity, Holy Guardian Angel (or Holy Guardian Alien, as I prefer to call them), also taught me a lot about the body of light and similar concept to Will that you described. The tickling sensation happened a lot during my daily meditations as well. Highly meditative states can produce effects similar to psychedelics and the intensity of Abramelin definitely induced them for me.

The ufo sighting sounds interesting also. @antonchanning and I had a sighting day after working with one of the OpIntruder sigils.


It was received by one of the agents. It's purpose is to help attune agents consciousness to that of the entities. We used a pathworking exercise to charge and fire the sigil. Next evening we saw a very strange green light. It was the weirdest aerial object i have seen in my life and I had many opportunities to witness spectacular meteors (including sound!) and even a ball lightning.

The green light was way weirder than any of that. It looked like a firework but then it did a sequence of vanishing and repairing in a different position in a split of a second. It reappeared in what seemed a bit like a plasma or a cloud surrounding it, very odd looking. Then it changed again and looked just like a solid green large light but began pulsating unlike a plane or helicopter. Eventually it did the vanishing-reappearing thing again and disappeared for good. It traversed the sky in about 10 seconds. Helicopters and planes on a similar trajectory take over a minute to do that. Light was much larger than those we regularly see on aircraft suggesting it was either much bigger or much closer. There was no craft or structure around it that we could see. For comparison, a helicopter producing light of this size would be clearly visible even at night. No flare does what this thing did. There is an air force base not too far from where we live but with vast wilderness surrounding us, I see no reason why they would test over urban area. It was very strange.

Other agents we spoken with also had sightings of anomalous lights in the sky after working with OpIntruder, although not everyone who does sees them.

We want to come back and work with the sigils more at some point but for know our energy needs to be focused elsewhere, besides experience like that takes time to assimilate! It's great to see you putting the sigils to a good use. :)

This is absolutely fucking amazing! What a crazy tale!
Gonna experiment with this sigil as well, I'm thinking of using it as means of invocation, what do you think @dana-varahi?

Also really love the "Holy Guardian Alien" concept 😉

Go for it! It will be interesting to see how it works used in that way. :)

Good results there fellow agent!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks man! Have you seen the posts where Dana and I explain the next experiment we want to perform? It's in the FB group :)

Very interesting! It's been a long time since I've taken any LSD.

Highly recommended 😉