The story of the self: Immortality and figure: Developing a conscious self

in magick •  8 years ago 

This one seems to match the audio so enjoy!

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Hello there @iaartsandcrafts Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed listening. I followed you so I don't miss your next post. :)

It's interesting how our memories often end up defining us as individuals. It's good to realize that it doesn't have to be that way. We can choose to change, adapt and move on. That's so important, especially in healing on an emotional level.

It's like you say, our past often determines our future simply because we failed to work through our personal issues, the early, childhood programming that shaped us on an unconscious level.

Being self aware and developing consciousness of Higher Self enables us to understand that things that happen to us are not us. It allows us to regain control of our life.

Your metaphor about not putting flowers in the wounds made me giggle. I get totally what you mean by that. That said, since I am very interested in plants and their uses, I can think of some that could help to disinfect and clean wounds and others that can reduce blood flow and act like a glue to hold it all together. Some variates of moss for example, can be used as a wound dressing. :)

Sincerely thank you for your support.