Magick Will Make You Feel Stupid and It is NOT For the Faint of Heart

in magick •  7 years ago 

Welcome Back to the Basics

Oh, how I used to loathe the term back to the basics. It always seemed so routine, mundane and boring. When I was a young spiritualist and still non-committal in my faith (as the non-religious spiritual types tend to be) I would hop from group to group. I was trying to find the right faith, even though it was staring me in my faith. I had found my calling when I was 16. Had I been paying attention earlier, it was really there... since I first fell in love with the words and ritual of the Bible.

Religion Specific Religiosity vs. Dogmatic vs. Spiritual

I feel like I need to preface that with saying that I am not Christian. There is always one or two people who want to question how I can claim to be a witch and a Christian and I will usually just turn and look at them and be like...

Well, kind of like a rant.

It is the start of a rant for sure. This is fortunate too because I know the order I would normally go, or as I would normally intoduce topics. Obviously, I wouldn't normally begin at vibrations or even anything that had a hard push for Hebrew. That being said, I have an ecclectic group of different strengths and experiencing here, so things may jump around a little bit. That kind of sucks but it was bound to happen! It certainly sets my brain off in all of these directions!

This is why I type.

In Any Case... I Digress...

I posted a while ago about vibration. I had made a quick infographic for some students and then thought I would share it on Stem. The thing is, that weekend was dealing with more family drama and I had two questions from people on there about vibrations.

I realized the error of my ways when I went to go and discuss the topic more. The thing is, once upon a time there was silence and there were vows and there was secrecy. The concepts of magick were guarded and not just given out to anyone. I know many don't agree with this and view it as hoarding. However, what this accomplished was keeping many of the practices pure and focused. It made them be vital and important and the rules meant something. Because indeed the rules are there for a reason.

Things like the Secret and everyone and their mama discussing magick, teaching without credentials or proper training or being able to publish a book that sounds good without being fully responsible... it leads the practice to be watered down. Suddenly, when only 16 years ago, I saw people work for this knowledge... now I see a lot more simply reaching for it, reading and comprehending. Without practice, without the own personal trials of magick, without challenges to the self and without the pain of growth, there is something lacking. It creates a different kind of understanding of magick and in many cases, it reverts our understanding to what the initial intent was.

So, to clean up a bit of the confusion I have caused, I am planning on going back to the basics. It is easy to forget that I haven't shared any of this on here and so I can see how it would take it all out of context a bit. Not to worry though! It will come around and then later I will organize.

My point is that there is a lot that goes into this and the more I think about it the more I just realize that I am at a point in my own life where I need to redefine shit. This whole experience has caused me to do what I would tell any student that felt a bit overwhelmed to do and that is to go back to the basics.

Everyone needs the basics... Sometimes

The basics is one of those difficult things to explain without giving a slew of vocabulary words along with excited chatter. So, as I have said this will be practice for me as well. Many who are learning to practice to gain control of their space or to and because they weren't formally trained they didn't have the responsibility that goes along with it. Thankfully, I don't think that I have had but a handful of people with questions that were just so out of left field, nor have I really ran into egotistical types. I know I can be super bitch blah.

At the end of the day, we all have our place and so when I say detailing my practice on here as it comes up is going to be interesting for sure.

That being said, I have a bit more to post on vibrations to hopefully clear that up for the magicky and non-magicky types as well. That post will have to wait for later though...

I have had about 1 hour total for sleep for about 4 days or so. I am slow at the moment with a ton of excuses that you don't want to hear. ;) So, I will spare you. will be sending something through before

So, that is what I plan to do!

But First... Sleep!

I have been going for almost 4 days and I got one hour of sleep. I am not going to make it much longer if I don't rectify that.

In the mean time, please feel free to post your own questions or let me know if there is an avenue of study that you would like to explore.

Follow-Up Information on Breathing a Vibration

Now, these first two posts are actually pretty decent, considering. I know that I don't have a phone and I didn't want to mess either of them up by trying to splice. I will get braver, I am sure. For the time being though, we must knuckle down and make a game plan.

You'll see with the videos (if you haven't clicked and watched already) that these ones are pretty basic. Still I will get much more deep into the topic, probably next week? It all depends on what i get out this week and how the rest of the day goes.
For now, feel free to take a look at these. You can find out a little more about breathing, some tips for how to manage life in the future (especially if you plan on doing more magickal endeavors).

Here is the first video:

The second video (Part 2) can be found here:

Finally, the link was giving me troubles earlier so just in case I am posting this other video I have done as well up here. That way I know where it is.

Here it is here if it didn't work for you up top:

If you are a member of the "Hydrophant" group on FB you can see the movie on here as I know it is downloaded. There are also other books with a growing library over there.

Not a member? Just send me a FB message and I will get you back in there if I can.

Please Let Me Know...

If you are having issues with video play back, you notice a silent spot or you want to question to Did it suddenly does it or is it about the same as it was and it has just been slow for a while? Please let me know any other details.
Where I am right now is a place that thrives off of approval. A younger version of myself wouldn't care as much (though, who am I trying to kid, I was raised Southern Baptist... I think that means I am innately born with the worry about what other people think gene).

Sorry, this post is a bit discombobulated, I just wanted to be sure as the time went on that I got that conversation with him but it sounds like we are going to go grab it quickly at some point. For now, keep posted on here and watch the people scramble.

It's funny, when you take this whole picture into account it sounds like a stressful time. Indeed, it isn't as bad as I thought it was. I may even be able to take a nap!

Wish me luck and happy reading.

Love and Light!
Rohanna Irene, RumDancer

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it's nice to see you! thanks for posting video!

I like this - thanks for your work! I like that you say when you burn through everything we are left with the Divine. It speaks to us each as we can hear it. Yes. And I like your references to the Kabalyon. I look forward to more.