Indonesia,Menguak Rahasia Magnet/English,Reveals the Secrets of Magnets

in magnets •  7 years ago  (edited)

Mengapa kutub utara magnet kompas menunjuk arah utara ?

Karena bumi kita dapat dianggap sebagai magnet yang besar.
Kutub selatan magnet bumi terletak dekat kutub utara bumi.
Kutub utara magnet bumi terletak dekat kutub selatan.
Kutub - kutub inilah yang menarik jarum kompas.

Kutub selatan magnet bumi = Kutub utara bumi.
Kutub utara magnet bumi = Kutub selatan bumi.

Why is the north pole of the compass magnet pointing north?

Because our earth can be regarded as a great magnet.
The earth's magnetic south pole is located near the north pole of the earth.
The magnetic north pole of the earth is located near the south pole.
These poles are pulling the compass needles.

South pole of earth magnet = North pole of earth.
North pole of earth magnet = South pole of earth.


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