My boyfriend often gets in trouble, why? #MainframeForFreedom

in mainframe •  7 years ago 

Here’s the thing with IT companies, they often require you to log your hours of work, fill the time sheets at the end of every week. Log your individual billable hours. It seems like such an easy and small thing to do.  

Make a note of what you’re working on at the end of the day and save it. Like I said, he is troublesome. Perhaps, just lazy like everyone else is. After a day’s work you get reluctant to type and save about what you’ve worked on.  

What does he do? Procrastination. I’ve until Friday to fill my time sheet, why bother on a Monday, its already a busy day.  

That said, we have a gruesome time every Friday evening. While I like to start the weekend with some personal time. I’ve him sulking or pacing to remember, what is it that he was working on, on Wednesday afternoon. 

It would really be easy to note it down, follow emails and recollect. Still, it’s a time taking task and honestly quite irritating for me. 

Sometimes, I’ve him remove pieces of paper to see what he had pen down, to try and recollect that day’s work. He often, browses through his emails to remember what was the project, what was the activity, what was the troubleshoot. Or, find conversations on chat to articulate, from the bits and pieces of information he can find. 

At the end of it, I think it goes for a very inefficient mentioning of the work in the time sheet. Also, it is a waste of a perfect Friday evening. To top of it, there is so much effort put in for something that is just a task management structure within the organization.  

Well, this part excites me! MAINFRAME 

Mainframe, before I learnt or read more on it. I came across Onyx and its features. It is something like slack, but not sloppy. It has many user-friendly features, it stands apart, it is powered by a fully decentralized, censorship-resistant, and surveillance-resistant Mainframe network  

Let’s talk about why Mainframe? It is perhaps like any other workplace app, only better. It accomplishes a lot of the things that we’d like to have within our workspace, to simply streamline and help us be more efficient and productive.  

Unlike my boyfriend, I work within a creative space and I have lesser restrictions or processes to abide by within a structured organization. However, I saw these features and I couldn’t help but talk about it to him. 

To address the big-time sheet debacle, here’s what can totally save time. Also, be accurate. Mainframe’s to-do lists, it’s a life saver according to me for two reasons. 

  • For my personal reason, firstly it will help to fill out time sheets by just going through the list and possibly copy pasting it. The “Action” item within the app, that helps you to translate the messages into actionable items and saves it as a to-do list is awesome! 
  • The second reason being, for someone like me, who works within the sales and marketing team and grills on messages all day. More often than not, I always miss out on things within the chats or conversations. I’m not a robot to remember everything. I’d like a reminder or a notification to reach out to, perhaps during final reviews of my work. Like a check list. The “Action” item for me serves as a check list, a review mechanism, where I can look at it and confirm, if I’ve instilled all the suggestions and instructions given to me in my work.  

Mainframe messaging app for your workplace, is a solace to your anxiety and helps you manage time indefinitely. It is excellent for you to improve your confidence on your work and not second guess on the things you remember.  

Things at work should be easy and simple, clearly, your work is never easy. At least, managing work and time should be. Mainframe provides that edge you require to stay ahead of yourself and be productive and stress-free. 

A decentralized network for censorship-resistant message routing. Check out Mainframe
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I work for a HR consulting firm and I have to log my client billable hours weekly as well. Has to be submitted in the system by 5pm on Sunday each week. I just set a reminder on my Outlook email calendar that reminds me on Friday afternoons. Good Luck to your boyfriend. Sucks if he's getting dinged for something that seems so trivial but the company has to account for hours as that's how they get paid by clients.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey, perhaps you're right. What you're talking about is a reminder. What I've mentioned in my blog is the advent of remembering a week's work and penning it down on a weekend to fill out the time sheet. What I've found helpful is that this DApp, I've mentioned helps you to save the work as a to do list. Where in, you can just go browse through it and fill in, save time and be efficient. It's trivial, like you said. It is also essential. However, it is a time taking process. Thanks :-) The app I was talking about is built on Mainframe.