Joining in the panic sell? Maybe you should consider panic selling your Fiat, that stuff has been going down for years.

in mainsteemmedia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Inflation is a term we use to define the increasing cost of living in our society. Effectively, what this term defines is a constant devaluation of every Dollar, Yen, or Rupee you currently own.

By holding $AU (or exchange your crypto's into Fiat during a panic sell) what you are actually saying is "I'm OK with the government targeting a 2-3% loss on my investment in the Australian dollar this year" (approx. targeted inflation rate in Australia.)

This seems crazy to me. At least by investing in crypto currencies you are putting your faith in people who a genuinely trying to make your money worth more tomorrow than it is today.

It's much easier to not care about market corrections, and even see them as an opportunity (like today) to reinvest some of that shitty Fiat which has targeted losses built in. And invest it into people, companies, and ideas aimed at creating a better world for us all.

That's what you are buying into when you buy any coin. That's why research is key in investing. There are too many great companies to list in one article which I personally have invested in. I guess my best buy (since tipping you into that Ether buy this morning see article below) would be PIVX. I think we'll see a breakout of this coin. Especially if returning market confidence coincides with a anticipated release to Poloniex. Stability during a correction is not a bad technical sign either.

Stay stoked, keep frothing and always remember..... an informed investor is a successful investor

Cheers, Fish (The Beach Bum Investor)

Image by Matt Brockie

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You invest with your computer while traveling to get some waves?
Thats awesome !!

Thanks legend, after losing my spot on the Australian Team and now the Queensland Team, I am trying to lay off on the surfing and focus on some business a little more.

My love of the water can make it difficult but it's garbage at the local today so I'm just cruising, meeting some new Steemians.

Just gave you a follow, I'll check out your profile soon. Are you a wave rider yourself? What's your craft of choice? I'll ride anything but DK bodyboarding is where I've done best.

Great article. Its certainly easy to stay in a bubble and not notice fluctations in the real value of our money. Resteemed

Hi @strapped tell me about it. Look at FB vs Steemit. I've told people about Steemit being a potential threat to FB. The answer "lol, nothing will replace FB". People are sheep mate. I see it in the surf all the time, I sit wide on a different bank to the crowd, get one good wave, and oh look at that. 50 people crowding up fishy's wave, lol.

For the moment I just have to shrug my shoulders and say "just my opinion". But the "I told you so" is coming, and that's going to be sweet!! Think I'll do it from Peru this time (always wanted to surf there).

Take it easy mate.

I really hope that Steemit wont be the next FB though, that would suck. But I get your point, definitely Steemit will flourish :)

sorry for the late reply @mar71n. I'm still figuring out the whole social media thing. I never really posted on FB. I certainly hope steemit doesn't deteriorate with the inevitable arrival of the masses. But even this eternal optimist has concerns. Ps Most call me Fish. Fish, meet Marlin, Marlin meet Fish. lol. Speak soon frother