💡 jabi... MajorNews.com test site

in majornews •  6 years ago 


I own the domain name MajorNews.com. I am interested in developing a web site (using open source) tied to Steemit and maybe other platforms with monetary rewards. I have 1000+ ideas about how this could work, but the #1 thing you must do when developing a new web site is find out what interests people the most. If I added all 1000+ ideas, it would be a bit overwhelming.

  • Looking for anyone who wants to be part of our team. Graphic artists, programmers, idea people, marketers, entrepreneurs, investors, journalists ... ??? ... Comment your interest and area(s) of expertise.

MajorNews Experiment #5:

Purpose: Try a few different things, see if anyone likes any of the ideas...
in other words... sling some mud on the wall and see what sticks.

Today's jabi:
I've set up a test site for MajorNews.com

hh-majornews-com (1).jpg

Image source https://www.web2pdfconvert.com/to/jpg

Current Features:

some built into the program
some from installed modules...


The communication in HumHub works with spaces. A space can literally be anything, a project, a group or just a simple topic. For every space you can invite multiple users and make up your own access rights and rules.

You could think of these like topics.
Currently there are 2.

  • MajorNEWS
    • This is where you post and read news topics.
  • Welcome Space
    • Setup by the installer program.

We can setup as many as we want need.

  • I'm thinking
    • World News
    • Technology
    • Crypto News
    • Steemit News
    • Entertainment
    • Sports
      • maybe more
        maybe less...

Please comment your ideas on this.


Stay well informed about things related to you

  • Follow people or spaces and be notified when there are updates by or to either.


Monitor work and communications at a glance

  • Kind of like your Facebook wall


Overview and fast access to the most important information


Post, comment, follow, like and connect with others


The digital business card for each user


Organize user in departments, branches or anything else


Find spaces, users and groups in a sorted way


Share documents, media files and discuss about it

Pictures by you, a group or for a space.


Share content also with non-registered users


Find people, discussions and files easily

These can be public/private, for any space, etc.

A very basic wiki

Birthday widget
To show upcoming birthday's on the dashboard.

Individual, group and spaces.

create or edit diagrams using the draw.io editor

Private Messaging
Communicate with one or more users

Most Active Users

Report Content
"Flag" bad content for moderators to take a look at

Simple Task Manager for spaces

Additional Modules that could be added

  • Legal Tools
    Adds several editable legal options, like an imprint and a privacy policy.
  • Pinterest
    Adds a Pinterest widget to your HumHub`s sidebar.
  • Steam
    This module adds the ability to display a single game widget from your Steam game developer account.
  • Theme Builder
    The Theme Builder allows you to create own themes directly in your browser.
  • TwitchTV Chat
    Adds Twitch chat channel(s) to HumHub`s sidebar.
  • Your Acclaim
    Integrates Acclaim badges to user profiles.
  • Dropbox File Chooser
    Allows users to share dropbox files in spaces or user profiles.
  • Meetings - 49€
    “Meetings” is a complete meeting manager, which enables you to easily create meetings, define agendas, invite participants, minute the results and delegate tasks.
  • Etherpad Notes
    Integrates the common etherpad online editor in spaces.
  • OnlyOffice - DocumentServer Integration
    Collaboratively view and edit office documents (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) in real-time.
  • SMS Gateway
    Allows sms sending on user profiles.
  • Social Share
    Share Post on other Social Networks
  • Terms Box
    Forces users to accept/decline the terms and conditions of your site.

Try it out!

Take it for a test drive and let us know if you think this would be awesome if we could tie it into Steemit.

NOTE: This is not connected to the Steem blockchain at all at this point.
It is strictly the open source version with the addition of one purchased module.

  • If you are creating a post, and put in a link to a url, the module I purchased will fetch a thumbnail and a paragraph or so of the site.
    • I already found a site it did not work with, so I just picked another site and it worked perfectly.
      • You should see a working graphic and then the info pop up. If nothing happens, try a different url.

Looking for partners.

I own this great domain name MajorNEWS.com, but currently am doing nothing with it.

  • If >>>we<<< build this site as I am envisioning it, it should be worth millions.
    • Nothing is set in stone at this point. I am looking for partners and ideas. Yes, I am a programmer and webmaster and have built many sites from the ground up over the past 23 years using many technologies, but I know this is bigger than I am capable of doing. That's why I'm willing to take in partners.
      • No, I have not thought through how to set this business up. Any business tycoons out there with ideas on the best way to go forward so it's fair to everyone who gets involved?
  • We need many specialists.
    • Programmers
      • This is an open source project. It is not perfect and it needs tied into the Steem blockchain.
      • One immediate need I see is a better way to do spaces / topics.
        • Yes, we need world news, but we also need national news. Then this actually needs broken down even farther. In the US, we have 50 states, so that would be 50 additional spaces. And each state might need broken down even further, perhaps by zip codes or counties.
        • And look at sports. You have American football, baseball, rugby, soccer, ice hockey, ... ..., so you really need a space for each sport. And then that should probably be broken down to individual teams and perhaps even individual people.
        • And really Steem should fall under the cryptocurrency space which should fall under technology or economy space.
        • As you can see, this program is really not setup properly to scale to hundreds, if not thousands of spaces. Can you help? That's just one area that needs vast improvement. But, I do believe the program is a good starting point to move forward.
    • Graphic artists
      • We don't even have a logo yet.
    • Testers
      • We need anyone and everyone to try out the program and give us input to what you like, don't like, needs improvement, drop this or that, etc.
    • Who knows how to setup a discord group?
      • The program has a module to attach discord to spaces and I believe users...
    • Copywriters & Marketers
      • Steemit, Inc is proof you shouldn't spend all your efforts just writing code. The end product needs to be promoted!
    • Business types & entrepreneurs
      • Help us develop a business plan and fair way to reward anyone who is involved from this day forward, regardless of how small or how large their input is.
    • Investors
      • We will need to do some contract labor for those who aren't interested in becoming part of the team.
      • We need to start rewarding people who comment with ideas with more than my current 3 cent upvote (limited by voting power).
        • I'm open to any and all ideas and offers. Comment to let me know what you're thinking.

What we have.

  • A great domain name - MajorNEWS.com
  • I currently have a VPS through dreamhost.com.
    • I have unlimited disk storage and bandwidth.
      • It currently costs me about $35 USD/month.
    • If we start getting a lot of traffic, I'll likely need to upgrade the memory and then at some point go to a dedicated server.
  • A great idea - crowdsourced news, not able to be censored.
    • This should easily be tied to the Steemit rewards system, or set it up for an SMT when they come out...
    • I think it would also be a good idea to not limit ourselves to Steemit and their users. There are other cryptos we could use. We might even get people to use the site without rewards. Hey, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others don't reward one penny and millions of people use them!!!

Things to do

  • Need to purchase @majornews Steemit account.
  • Need to setup a discord server and add the link to the program.
  • Get many people to try out the existing program, to see what they like or don't like.
  • Figure out the best way to reward anyone who helps us from this point forward.
  • We need a steemit aware programmer(s) to take a look at this program and see if a simple module could add Steem blockchain access or if we need to go deeper in the code and database.
  • We need to either fork this project or start a new github project to do the Steemit module.


I look forward to a few of you trying out the program and commenting any ideas you may have.

Come help us create the next big thing!!!

or let me know if this sounds like a crazy idea :D


Other MajorNEWS posts...

in case you missed them...


Check out the easiest 14.3 Steem I ever made!

My post about it...


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Have you considered using SteemPress for it? I love SteemPress.

WordPress (I've used before) & SteemPress are pretty good for one person's blog, but I'm looking at more involvement from anyone. I setup a BuddyPress one time and joined another that had a few thousand members. That trio might be a good option to look at. Thanks for the input!

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 20 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 9 SBD worth and should receive 91 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Good start! I see that anyone can view but to publish anything you must register, this is good. So clicked and sent in my email.....nothing happened. Oh well I'm hungry anyways so I go fix a sandwhich. Check and still nothing so I hit reload button and noticed spam filed jumped up a couple, which it always does. I check and sure enough there it is. I did click on box saying not spam so the rest of notices should come to inbox. Maybe when people signup you could put reminder to check spam folder