All human beings have the faculty of knowing and deepening in relation to the known. In itself, knowledge is a spontaneous act as to its origin. And this is the action of the subject who knows about the unknown thing, starting from the understanding, intelligence, natural reason, etc. Knowledge always implies a duality of reality: on the one hand, the knowing subject and, on the other, the known object, which is possessed, in a certain way, by the knowing subject.
The reason is the faculty by virtue of which the human being is capable of identifying concepts, questioning them, finding coherence or contradiction between them and thus inducing or deducing others different from those he already knows. Thus, human reason, rather than discovering certainties, is a capacity to establish or discard new conclusive concepts or conclusions, depending on their coherence with respect to other starting concepts or premises. Knowledge is manifested in the process of formation of concepts and judgments and in reasoning.
Nevertheless, knowledge is not only understood as a cognitive action of the subject, but must also necessarily be connected with the external world, reality and the environment of man.
Essentially, knowledge is, therefore, the work of man's experience, the way he relates to things, his environment and the way he interacts with other men.
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