Make All [K]ompletely Equal

in make •  16 hours ago 

we suppose to be the highest level of specie on earth, yet I have not seen in my life time yet dogs bicker and beef solely based on the different colors of their fur
(van Rooy, D., Wade, C.M. Association between coat colour and the behaviour of Australian Labrador retrievers. Canine Genet Epidemiol 6, 10 (2019).

Platzer JM, Gunter LM, Feuerbacher EN. Exploring the Domestication Syndrome Hypothesis in Dogs: Pigmentation Does Not Predict Cortisol Levels. Animals (Basel). 2023;13(19):3095. Published 2023 Oct 4. doi:10.3390/ani13193095)

[making the homosapiens species so smart that they stupider than dogs] ;
Hypothetical: Assume arguendo Supremacists get what they want & seek , exterminating the earth of all Blacks; do you think their hate will then stop there; of course not; they will just find another unjust ignorant differentiation (witch hunt) cause for hate because its just within their nature (e.g. maybe Black hair -vs- orange or blond hair; or brown -vs- blue or green eyes; etc] End

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Ai response to the above: Hypothetical Scenario
In your hypothetical scenario where supremacists achieve their goal of eliminating all [whom they hate], it's likely that their hate would not stop there. History shows that such ideologies often find new targets once their initial goals are met. This could manifest in discrimination based on other physical traits, cultural differences, or any other arbitrary characteristic.
