How To Make $100 Per Day Online Without Any Skills Or Audience

in makemoney •  2 years ago 

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Hey, I’m Kyle and I’m going to show you how you can make $100 per day online without any skills or audience whatsoever. And when I say this, I mean it literally — all you need to do is click the button below to get started making money immediately! Here’s how it works.

Use a free traffic source

With this article, I’ll be showing you a way that you can start attracting traffic to your affiliate links and landing pages today and start making commissions within the next few days. Things I love about this method are that it’s free and that it doesn’t cost you a penny to get started.

It’s also easy to execute. It’s not a requirement to have lots of skills, and there’s no requirement to have a lot of experience in affiliate marketing or any other form of marketing in order to get started.

To summarize, you’ll start by picking a particular market, a product for sale in that market, and then use free traffic sources to grow your audience and your sales organically.

choosing your niche

Picking a niche is fairly simple and I will not take much time on this since entrepreneurs often teach this. You just need to make sure you’re picking the right one. One mistake most beginners make is choosing a large niche that includes a large, or broad, audience.

They believe that if they have a larger audience they will have a greater chance of earning more sales and making more conversions.

Contrary to what is suggested, one would want to choose a very narrow niche, target a specific group of people, and either aim to satisfy all three or pick one and commit to it.

examples of an affiliate marketing niche might be Affiliate Marketing for Stay At Home Moms or Making Money Online for Teenagers. Choose something specific. Also, be sure to choose something you enjoy and which appeals to you.

Choosing your Product

Now that we have chosen your specialty, it is time to choose what you will promote!

I am certain most of you have heard of the ‘Big Three’: Clickbank, Warrior+, and JVZoo. The challenge is that many of the products on these platforms are complete trash and tend to be low-ticket.

Since anyone can sign up on these platforms and promote any random product, the products tend to be of lower quality. I am not saying that you cannot promote products from Clickbank, Warrior+, JVZoo, or related sites;

I am saying that you should always do your research and only promote products that are of the highest quality, have a high value, and that are in your niche.

Before you promote any product or affiliate program, search Google for the phrase Best affiliate programs for __ or Recurring affiliate programs for __ or High ticket affiliate programs for __. Find something that fits your audience, I guarantee you will find something you are interested in promoting. Pretty much every company in the world has an affiliate program.

For example, Amazon, Grammarly, and even your typical pet retailer, Chewy.

Traffic Source

So if you don’t have a website, email list, YouTube channel, or blog, how are you supposed to generate traffic or build an audience?

One simple way to increase your website traffic is to find a site with traffic and then promote your product on it. The best site for this would be Quora.


Quora is one of the most popular Q&A sites on the internet, and a simple google search will always have it in the top spots.
This way of answering questions will earn you about 500 million views a month, which is ten times the conversion you were getting before.

How are you doing this? To do this, you have to provide value. Questions get asked on Quora on a regular basis, and it’s your job to give the best answer possible to that question.

You want to answer around ten questions per day (make sure you link to at least two or three of your answers in each to not be classified as a spammer), and you want those answers to rank as the top answer.

Let me offer you my four guidelines for composing a more engaging answer

  1. Use Images. Quora and Quora users themselves love answers with images or pictures.

  2. Use Bullet Lists. Bullet points tend to be concise, easy to read, and tell the audience exactly what they need in fewer words.

  3. Get To The Point Quicker. People hate reading through fluff; they have a problem they want to resolve; they want a clear and concise solution.

  4. Use Keywords. Mention the keywords in the question multiple times throughout your answer(s), and your audience will see that you are directly confronting the question and the issue at hand.

It’s possible that not all of you are complete experts on your niche and some of you will see questions on your niche that you don’t know the answer to.

The solution to this is to search for the answer on Google. It’s the simplest approach to creating your traffic through an affiliate offer.

If you Google the question, read the answer and rephrase it in your response on Quora with a link to your product, you have succeeded. In the process of providing great value and addressing your target audience’s issues, you have the opportunity to explore your niche further and grow as a person.

Thank you for reading and commenting below if you found this article enjoyable! To learn more about making money online, I recommend following me on Medium.

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