Proper displaying of merchandise can yield BIG Sales!

in makemoney •  3 years ago 

 Today, I am writing about an important tip you should do whether you are selling in a brick and mortar store or online. To give you a little background information on myself, I have over 20 years of retail management experience running stores that have made millions of dollars through the years. Let’s say you are selling winter scarves for $10 each. If you only displayed the scarves, you would only make $10 if someone bought one scarf. To drive the average ticket higher you need to include tie-in items. Tie-in items are items that associate with the primary item you are selling. If I’m selling scarves, some great tie-ins would be gloves, hats and hand warmers. There are probably more items but you get the picture now. So If I am selling scarves for $10 but also include gloves for $8 each, winter hats for $5 each and hand warmers for $2 a pack I now have created the potential for a sale of $25 if someone bought one of each item displayed. That’s definitely better than just a $10 sale. I know you can’t force customers to buy everything but the goal is to show them multiple options with each display so you can increase sales. When they see the tie-in items they may decide to buy those items too. No matter where you’re selling at always include tie-in items to drive extra sales. Online stores would just create links to the tie-in items on the page that has the primary item for sale. Under the picture and description of the primary item on the page you could write "you may also like" or "have you seen these great items" and then show pictures that link to those particular tie-in items. Displaying the merchandise on an endcap in a brick and mortar store would be as simple as doing a row of hats across the top, then a row of gloves would go across under the hats then a shelf with the hand warmers. Under the shelf you would fill with the primary item, the scarves. Brick and mortar stores should keep their tie-in items to a maximum of two or three per display as to not junk it up with clutter. Remember to properly price all items as to not cause any confusion. Good luck and happy selling

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