5 Surprising Ways to Attract Money

in makemoney •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to attract money while others can’t? Are they just lucky? Do they have really good karma? We may never know the answers to these questions, but there are steps we can take to make it easier for money to find us. In fact, there are ways that you can attract money without ever leaving your home! Follow these 5 tips, and start attracting money today!

#1. Trust in the Universe
You have a greater responsibility than just attracting money; you must trust in it. It’s easy for people to tell you that you can manifest money, but it’s another thing entirely to actually believe you can. In order for money to flow to you, your belief in receiving it must be absolute. You have to trust that when someone gives you money, they are truly giving it to you and not taking it from someone else who deserves it more or has worked harder than you.

#2. You can have anything you want, but it might not be what you think
When you’re focused on manifesting something, it can be easy to make life decisions from a place of wishful thinking. For example, being single is great—but when you want a relationship, that desire makes it hard for you to meet someone new. Being in a relationship is awesome—but when you want something else, like freedom or adventure, having that partner around might get in your way.

#3. Spending Consciously
Oftentimes, we think of money as a tool that allows us to buy what we want and need. And for some people, that’s exactly how it works. But for many others, money can be something of a burden—something that seems like it never has enough zeroes or gets spent too quickly.


#4. The Law of Attraction states that...
It’s important to note that The Law of Attraction isn’t a law in terms of physics, though it may feel like one. Rather, it is a set of principles or standards that are meant to guide your actions. If you pay attention and adhere to these guidelines, your experience will reflect whatever you believe and attract—good or bad. The key here is paying attention.

#5. Let go of self-blame
Holding on to self-blame (or self-criticism) means that you focus on what’s going wrong. You constantly ruminate on your negative qualities and shortcomings, creating stress for yourself and making it difficult for positive experiences—and positive people—to find their way into your life. Self-compassion, on the other hand, means that you are kinder toward yourself in times of failure or disappointment.

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Rather, it is a set of principles or standards that are meant to guide your actions.

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