Steemit Bingo Game #4 - Make Connections and have fun (in support of @welcomewagon)

in makesteemitgreat-again •  7 years ago  (edited)

image by @simplymike

Not sure if anyone has missed Steemit Bingo but hopefully you haven't forgotten how to play! We are back with another edition of Steemit Bingo in support of yet another great initiative by @dreemsteem:

image by @penderis

Also, as you can see in the comments @dreemsteem is also generously chipping in with 5SBD to add to the prize pool! And @littlescribe has also offered an additional 2SBD too, plus 1SBD from @apolymask as well for a total of 8SBD

There is a change in the air!

I am very excited by the number of initiatives that are aimed at helping newcomers to Steemit, and it suggest a shift in the way Steemians are thinking about what we need to do in order to grow the community and enable more people to take advantage of the platform. The @welcomewagon joins a number of other groups that are doing a fantastic job helping to support and promote newbies, including @asapers, @greetersguild, @newbiegames, @newbieresteemday, @helpie and @ifc. If you haven't heard of these groups or haven't checked out their latest posts then you are missing out on connecting with a lot of great people!

How to Play


This game is open to anyone who is a follower of @welcomewagon or have participated in any of the previous Steemit Bingo Games. So make sure you follow the account and participate in this round to make sure that you have an eligible entry in further editions of Steemit Bingo.

Make your bingo card

Create a 4 x 4 grid and fill it with the account names from the list of followers of the @welcomewagon account (there are around 150 followers last time I checked and growing very quickly!). A simple way to creating tables is to use the '|' symbol like this and then leave a space and add a username and repeat until you have four in one row.

Why 16 names? Because I think it is just enough for you to put down your favourite people plus a few new people that you can learn about through playing the game :)

PLEASE DO NOT use the '@' symbol with the username otherwise @ginabot is probably going to go crazy!

So just something like this is fine:

| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | dreemsteem |

Then you repeat until you have completed four rows like so (but choose different names):

| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | dreemsteem |
| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | dreemsteem |
| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | dreemsteem |
| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | dreemsteem |

Or you can go to the Markdown Tables Generator ( if you like something fancier.

And if you are artistic then there's also nothing stopping you from creating an image as well... see previous contest entries here:


To add some more excitement and variation to this game (because I do all the draws and check the names off for you), some additional rules have been introduced for this game

  • ONE - to acknowledge the great work by @dreemsteem if you make Bingo with this username then you will also receive 1 share of SBI (see more details at @steembasicincome)
  • TWO - if you are a follower of any of the other groups mentioned here in the post and you make Bingo then you will also receive 1 share of SBI
  • THREE - if you replace one of the names with 'x' (e.g. | ancapbarbie | battleaxe | x | dreemsteem | ) then it will be replaced with the 20th name drawn from the list

There are lots of great contests for you to win SBI as well, check them out here:

Register your entry

Place a link of the post that has your card in the comments section of this post before the cut-off period (which is when this post expires). In the mean time you can visit the people on your bingo card and drop them a nice comment on their post or chat to them on Discord.

Drawing of the names

When all the entries are in, I will create a post for the first game titled "Steemit Bingo Game (#)" and will randomly pick a name out of the list of followers of the @welcomewagon acount until someone manages to 'BINGO'.

You can see the process I use in the first game here:


For the entries that are first to 'BINGO'
The winner(s) of the game will share in the SBD generated from the post (including donations) with half going to @welcomewagon. This will be transferred to their account and posted in the comments section to ensure transparency and fairness of the competition.

Register your entry NOW and see you in a week's time for the fourth draw of Steemit Bingo!


Just a quick plug for the Martketplace which is a really great initiative by the @ifc to help you generate SBD not just by posting but also through your creative skills and talent. You can set up shop by getting in touch with @apolymask and to find out more about what's happening at the marketplace you can read the newsletters:

source: the illustrator @yeszuzia

Proudly supporting

logo created by @bitpizza

image by @simplymike

Discord link -

A.S.A.P.ers Banner by @shai-hulud
Discord link -

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let's take that Welcome Wagon out for a spin around the prairie! Here's my Bingo Card! Warning - no snazzy design or ANY CREATIVITY included in this entry.....creativity coffers are barren.....

Thanks for playing! Are you also involved in thesteemhouse?

Hi @plushzilla, yes - I am on the Dreamteam over at @thesteemhouse are you involved too?

Yes, I am proud to support projects that help make Steemit REAL and not just about blogging! Will have to say hi next time I see you on Discord :D

Hey! I found out about the bingo game via @welcomewagon! Here is my link with my bingo card! Thank you so much!

Nice job @dezziq!!!! You're the first!!!! 😊

^_^ I don't waste time haha

Get it girl!!!!! 🤣

Thanks for playing and good luck!


Always happy to support @welcomewagon and @dreemsteem as they have supported me. Thanks for helping them to spread the love :)
My entry to the bingo game is hiding in this post!

Great to hear about the great work that they are doing. You'll also find plenty of support from the other groups so feel free to reach out. There is a growing community of Aussies also taking the plunge into the cryptocurrency world! You'll find quite a few of us at @teamaustralia and I have also checked out your daughter's profile. There are so many writing contests on Steemit that I think she will really enjoy.

Looking forward to reading about your various interests, and hope that you will connect with a few more like-minded people here. Please check out Discord (which is a chat program that many of us hang out) and @ginabot (which you can use in Discord to get notified of things that happen on Steemit) if you haven't already!

Thanks @plushzilla. Following @teamaustralia now (silly me thought that was just a hashtag). Always good to know about happenings in oz. My daughter's problem at the moment is that she has no spare time whatsoever between study, work, volunteer commitments, and working on a novel. Ihope it will ease up soon so she can check back into steemit.

She has been giving some really good writing tips in her past posts and I think she'll enjoy the writing groups on Steemit like @isleofwrite if she can find the time :) I guess there's just a lot of things for someone young, creative and full of energy to do, especially in Melbourne.

Sorry, I first forgot to put the link to the game in my post but have done it now.

ohhhhh look at you! what a good student you are - learning how to hyperlink your posts in your comments so nicely!!!

Who was your teacher?!?!?! :) (i would take credit for it... but.... i didn't teach you that! hahahahaha you learned on your own i think!!!! hehehehe Good student ;)

I did use one of the guides you gave me to help me make that table :)

like i said.... GOOD STUDENT!!! :) you get 3 gold stars hehehehe

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Our submission into the bingo game :)

Make Connections and have fun - Join the @welcomewagon

I am excited that you connected and this game is back out there to help us find and help each other. @insideoutlet

So excited!!!! Thanks for your support @asapers!!! Welcome Wagon loves you <3

Thanks for the support! I really enjoy connecting with people from the Bingo Game but would love for someone to also host one so I can play :D

Haha, I didn't know it was up for sharing. Maybe we could do one for @thehive. I have no idea how you do the bingo part. Must take you forever to check all the cards.

Each name is given a number or entered into a random picker, which then chooses the names/number random. All names from all entries get entered to the list, only per per member not per mention, As I know this draw is done live so it can be seen,

You can see how the draw is done in the previous winners announcements:

Sometimes I make some changes to the rules so it is a little bit different, and I hope that I can automate the process and stream it one day! For now I do this manually and that's why I don't run this contest every week :p

Would love to set one up for @thehive next time if there's interest :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I won't say no to free advertisement, I am unsure how you set it up for The Hive We do not hold contests as such, But you are welcome to advertise the game through our group if it is helpful. Contests are the IFC area and I dislike the thoughts on infringement on that. You are welcome to come over and have a look around the group see how we do things, https://discord.ggSQ3zSsp

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

WOO HOOOO thanks @simgirl!!!! hehehehe Good luck!!! :) Of course I knew that you would have a very pretty BINGO card hehehehehe

I think you should get points for snazzy design ;)

Thanks for play and good luck! I think there should be a prize for the most interesting Bingo Card as well :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Mine would be:
hazem91 | dreemsteem | asapers | scuzzy
Battleaxe | simgirl | dezziq | thehive
steembasicincome | enginewitty | rossita | ferial
crazypoet | sahar.cute | crazybgadventure | saffisara

;) bonne chance à tous!

hehehehehe nice job!!! :) everything is right there- easy!!! :)

Good luck @hazem91!!!!

hehe thanks
that first line is a win lol not sure about the rest :D

Thanks for playing! Good luck to you as well :)

thank you :)

My Bingo Card and welcome to the Welcome Wagon.

Always great to know that we have your support!

I like the Bingo game, and love the draw post, the blow by blow of the draw, those are a blast to read.

Thanks! I really need to get @apolymask or someone from the IFC to set one up so I can play as well :D I want to make a fancy Bingo Card too :)

i feel the same way @plushzilla hehehehe i didn't want to make a card - and then i thought i WILL.. and if i win - i'll just drop out and give EXTRA money to the NEXT winner hehehehehe

but then - nah. just the extra 5 SBD for the jackpot. hehehehe looking forward to the draw - @bashadow says its exciting!!! i'm still not sure how it works! but eager to see hehehehe

Thank you for the support @bashadow! :) Good luck!! hehehe

Hey Plushzilla! I'm going to be annoying and put my entry here. Let me know if you would prefer a post.

| bengy | a-0-0 | ethandsmith | cryptoriddler |
| zen-art | dreemsteem | enginewitth | vonica |
| supernovastaffy | steembasicincome | sanama | scuzzy |
| mahan | mineopoly | curatorcat | battleaxe |

I'll make an exception for you @bengy :D

Ha, thanks! If I remember, I will do a post entry from my alt account when I get home.

no - i think either is fine :)

Good luck @bengy!!! :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! :) I've just posted this on our site and linked it back to this post of yours :)

Hopefully we have a lot of people who want to play!!!! Thanks again :)
oh... and I'll add 5 SBD to our jackpot!! :)

I'll add another $2 SBD to the pot.

THANK YOU @littlescribe!!!!! :) The past two days have been insanity for me. but you are first on my list tomorrow morning <3

Thank you for being so supportive !!!!

So very kind of you! Would you like to place an entry as well?

I would! I'm just working all weekend at a swim meet. So I'll see if I can squeeze it in!!!

You have a full week to get an entry in so no rush (as long as you don't forget) :)

Excellent! I have changed the rules a little bit so that everyone who has played before can join and find out more about welcomewagon and the great work that you are doing. I think the 'crash course' concept is great and I would love to see all the groups working to support newbies come together and make this community a place for everyone :) I will update the post as well with the generous donation offer!

Thanks! We love that there are so many groups supporting this platform! There are so many newbies in need of help! Love that there is definitely a new waves of helpers! :)

A wonderful job on growing the number of followers for @welcomewagon. It was at 150 less than a week ago and the number is already over 250! Also a new record for the number of entries for the Steemit Bingo contest as well - it is a win-win situation :)

Always glad to be part of this game @fibrefox :) Here is my entry

Always very happy to see your entry and I look forward to another very interesting draw :) Good luck!

Here we go again! :) Kinda doubt I'll be lucky enough to win twice in a row, but who knows! Thanks for providing this game for us again. :) Oh and.. I feel like I should at least give An SBD. I'd give two, but.. I'm just really overstretched right now and spending too much. But.. I'll send at least 1 SBD to the winner! :)

| asapers | bashadow | charisma777 | bengy |
| jadams2k18 | enginewitty | lynncoyle1 | plushzilla|
| steembasicincome | thehive | ydraz | dreemsteem |
| ancapbarbie | battleaxe | curatorcat | arosebunch |

Thank you for that extra SBD!!!! that was so thoughtful of you :)

and overspending??? what's that. hehehehe

Happy to help. :) Also lol.. Yeah.. Can get a lil caried away especially when we have our own marketplace now!

i seriously love that marketplace!!! what a fantastic idea :)
I recently purchased some things from the lovely @zen-art through your site!!! :)

It's taken a little while to get this one up and running but it is always for a good cause :) Seems like there are already a few of us that are in @welcomewagon already but it would be great to bring in a few more! Thanks for the donation as well it is much appreciated!

Word, agreed.. And you're welcome! Hey. Was I suppose to make my own blog post? I did that last time but this time I just posted in the comments. I can go make a blog post if necessary!

It's an old rule that was designed to give the newbies something to post about and get a few more upvotes, and also to try and keep the comments section a little bit tidier. But I think some people have found it easier to just post in the comments and I think that's okay as well. After all I am just happy for people to participate and engage rather than being too strict about the rules - and that's kind of taking the same approach as you do with IFC :)

Okey doke! Good to know!
And yeah.. We've had a few people enter in the comments without making a blog post and we let them enter, we didn't turn them away. Though next time I'll try to remember to make a blog post anyways as it helps get the link and contest seen by more people as well.
Also I appreciate what you said at the end there. :) Made me smile.

I almost missed my chance to play one of my faves!! :D Big welcome to the @welcomewagon! Thanks for the opportunity @fibrefox!

It's been too long since the last Steemit Bingo :p Thanks for being such a great supporter and I really enjoy seeing familiar faces and new players! Good luck and keep an eye out for the winner announcement post :)

Always! I love the play by play action! ;)

Here is my entry! Good Luck everyone! Thank you @fibrefox for putting another fun Bingo Game together!

Thanks for playing! We are well and truly past the record for number of entries and prize pool. Very excited about the upcoming draw so good luck :)

Tha'ts awesome! More work for you! hehe.

Lucky that it is the kind of work that I don't mind doing :D

Thanks for playing! I hope you will have fun and make some new connections :)

Thank you! Hope so too. ;)

Thank you for a great game, please see my entry here.

Lots of extra SBDs added to the prize pool so it's a great time to join and play! Not to mention a very creative entry that has a great story :)


Make it rain

If I win then being poor as F#$% I guess some SBI with it all for someone of your choice is in order, isn't that what a person calls a win - win ?

You are rich where it counts the most - having a good sense of humour and a good heart :D

Here's my entry. I'll decline pay. I'm a Welcome Wagon sponsor.

Thanks for playing! I hope the swim meet went well :) Also very generous of you to donate and decline pay - it definitely looks like there are some very good people in this group.

Thanks for playing! I hope you weren't the only one that forgot to put a link in :p The draw is just a couple of days away. Good luck :)

Being here less than a month,,, thanks for these initiatives, and the great links! Didn't knew these groups even existed!

Hi @pardinus, there are so many groups happy to help out a newbie so you just have to reach out. I know a few nature lovers out there on Steemit, you should also check out @amavi and @holothewise's posts about animals if you enjoy finding out more about them from a zoo keeper and zoologist :)

By the way, have you ever tried percebes? I ask that whenever I see someone that might be from Portugal :D

I did tried percebes :P Thanks for the tips, will check those blogs too! Portuguese?

Not Portuguese but a friend in Australia is trying to set up a gooseneck barnacle and seaweed farm so I am wondering just how delicious it really is (and whether it is worth the price) :D I like your photography posts - have you checked out some of the photography groups and contests yet?

Ahahaha they are probably a bit overpriced, but the taste is great! I did joined some of the contests, loving the photography community here! Ps- as a curiosity, "percebes" literally translated in english is... "understands"! We sometimes say it in english as a joke :)

I read the story about how fishermen lose their lives trying to harvest them from those dangerous areas, so I guess the price is as much for the risk as it is for the taste? Do they really taste like lobsters?

Thanks for the extra info about the meaning of the word, it does make for a funny joke :D

I wouldn't say lobster... it's hard to describe it! It tastes like sea :)

So fresh and salty?

Welcome welcome @pardinus :)
@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

I adore @dreemsteem and the @welcomewagon. Such a great initiative for newbies...Thank you for putting together such a fun way to get connected with other Steemians. Here's my entry.

Hi @monchhichi23, thanks for playing! I see that you have some really good names on your cards and some I have not heard of so I should find out more about them :) Good luck and I look forward to announcing the winner in a few days.

Thank you @plushzilla!! I'm excited to play!!

You were featured by @bengy in the @payitforward curation contest .

Yes, @bengy had some very kind words for me and if I wasn't busy organizing the Steemit Bingo contest I would definitely write something back immediately :p

@plushzilla LOL , let him sweat it out a little . He is one of the good guys here and has had a positive influence on me